gamescope -h 1440 -H 1440 %command%
Likely Hyprland/Wayland related minor screen tearing during some cinematics
Opening the Options menu in Shadow Generations will crash the game. Opening it within Sonic Generations works properly, though.
Slight tinkering required to get the best experience with mods. Screen tearing seems to be an issue unless you're willing to play windowed.
Lantern Engine requires a d3d8.dll override WINEDLLOVERRIDES="d3d8.dll=n,b" %command%
SADX Dreamcast Conversion Mod
Screen tearing despite VSync being enabled and trying out numerous fix ideas. Running the game in windowed mode seems to be the best fix, but it's not the ideal experience, at least to me.
Slight, yet offputting performance issues. Game struggling to keep 60fps, although this is seemingly fixed by disabling d3d11 with PROTON_NO_D3D11=1
The Dreamcast Conversion all-in-one web installer worked fine for me. Just run it under Wine and point it to the game directory. The Lantern Engine, however, cannot find d3d8.dll on its own so I added WINEDLLOVERRIDES="d3d8.dll=n,b" %command% in the launch option to mend this issue. Small performance issues that could be attributed to my aging hardware, however they were not present on Windows. Disabling d3d11 appears to address this issue, however I cannot say for sure.