Steam controller not detected correctly, sometimes gyro would work, sometimes it wouldn't
I tried several install methods mentioned in other reviews but it ended up working with just Proton Experimental and waiting a REALLY long time during the installation. Probably almost 20 minutes -- long enough that I forgot it was even running when suddenly it popped up with an error. Saying "no" to the error then relaunching the game worked -- no adjustments needed at all. After I had launched it at least once, I replaced the AC EXE with Content Manager and dropped the Custom Shaders Patch files in to the install folder, and that all worked fine.
I have had some trouble getting my Steam Controller and specifically the gyro working with it, but I suspect that's just going to need some fooling around with -- it did on Windows too. It worked sometimes but then when I messed with some settings it stopped working, or would jitter really badly like I had two sets of competing inputs going at once. Probably user error.
With Wayland and the Nvidia 567 beta drivers it repeatedly showed Ubuntu's "wait for process or force quit" dialog during the startup videos.
Under X, it starts but with audio only, no video, if I use my external monitor either via HDMI or thunderbolt/DP. It starts and runs great on my laptop's built in panel. Solid 144fps with everything maxed on my device. I wish I could run it on my 100hz 3440x2560 curved screen.
I did try Vulkan but it starts with a black screen floating off center and weird ghost window pieces and eventually crashes.
Oh and if I alt tab out of it it will usually crash.
I really with msg Nvidia and Wayland would play nicer together, especially with external monitors!
-vulkan -high -nojoy -novid -USEALLAVAILABLECORES -malloc=system --force-grab-cursor
install vcrun2022
Didn't get far enough to bother trying to save
Crashes every time stepping out of the hut you start in
This runs great... until it crashes. Hard crash every time I step out of the first building.
On my pokey 2070 it runs at ~90 fps with Lumen High and all settings cranked except AA and texture filtering which I left at the default medium and 4x respectively, and super scaling left on TSR (not sure my card actually supports any of the other options). I don't know if that will change once I get outside, but so far in the single step I can take outside it doesn't seem to.
For now it's a great cabin simulator and not much else.