Husky pipy
It runs good but it has some fps drops
it has 20-25fps less than on windows
If origin doesn't open try to change your hdd device from NTFS to exc4, that worked to me
It still the EAC problem
It isn't fixed yet, i'll comeback in a few days
Runs great but...
Some times you do alt+tab and it crashes
When I tried to play online I played like 3 games for 20 seconds and matchs stopped work saying this "An error has occurred and you are no longer synced to the online match"
Yes, but maybe online doesn't work correctly
If your game stucks in OriginThinGameSetup.exe, try to install it on your main disk and not in a partition
It runs great!
Sometimes the mouse is moved and you must minimize and maximize the window again
don't use native version, run it on proton
Proton works great, native version doesn't launch
The game runs amazing except for what I said before.
If we use steam's overlay (shift+tab) the game crashes...