Works great
With DLSS enabled moving objects (like butterflies) caused ghosting. Unsure if this is linux specific.
Hosted a multiplayer game too which worked fine

Runs out of the box

The text was a little hard to read handheld, especially due to the font. It wasn't awful though but could do with an in-game option to make the text larger.
Everything looked great on Ultra or High settings but in Medium, the greenary of the trees and plants looked a bit off and often "flashed" different colours.
The framerate was quite variable for me on my OLED, in handheld mode. Around 25 FPS in general but 15-32 at times.
I love games like this with basebuilding, like Grounded, Conan and Ark but I just didn't like the experience on my OLED Steam Deck. For the first time ever, I felt a bit of motionsickness and a headache, I can only assume due to varied framerates. It's just a shame, as this game is right up my alley but it just didn't seem to run well enough graphically on my OLED. I would recommend folks try it on the basis that you can get a refund via Steam if you play less than 2 hours.

Very playable and enjoyable game, occasional crash and poor fps tolerable in my opinion
Occasional crash loses LOTS of progress
Poor framerates unless game is stared from a fresh reboot

Tout marche bien. Quelques bugs mais dû au fait que le jeu est encore en alpha. J'en rencontre autant voir moins que mes amis sous windows / Steam Deck avec qui je joue

Needed to use proton GE to get through initial install. Lowered most non-texture options to low and then it is a pretty solid 30 fps. Great controller support and fun.
Game lagged a bit, but I wonder if thats not more a shader chaching issue as the longer i played the less bad it got. though admittedly I did eventually turn down the view distance and shadows from ultra to high just to ease it a little.
Friends playing on windows crashed twice, and the second time i had to exit out to the main menu and restart hosting for them to rejoin. No idea if this was something on my end or just their games crashing independantly caused this.
Overall seems fine; as a note it will prompt you to install something (i think it was .net) on the first run as a dependancy to run, but that went without issue for me.
mangohud gamemoderun PROTON_NO_ESYNC=0 PROTON_ENABLE_NVAPI=1 %command%
Add those Parameters and you get a solid 60fps with litte bit of stutter here and there. But overall very playable even on ultra settings.
Games starts and runs just as expected out of the box
Small print on deck. So play it docked.
I get 30 to 25 fps on low settings
Runs well, looks good, might wanna lower the graphics more than I did as my gpu usage was at nearly 100% the whole time I was playing.
Mouse isn't giving input, alt-tab out and back in and it works just fine
Settings all set to ultra by default - very choppy 20-30 fps. Settings changed to high and shadow detail to low - fairly consistent 40 fps (1440p)
Only played for about 15 minutes or so(I will playing it more). Not sure if there are parts in the game where there is more load on the gpu/cpu or not.
stutters here and there
just make sure to run medium-low settings and it will be a solid 30 fps