Works right out of the box. I think the only bug I encountered is the custom BGM isnt working (this is minor.) Other than that its perfect!
force_compat_shaders=true %command%
Very finicky when choosing resolution. May crash during setting up desired resolution.
An updated review - As of now, using an updated Arch/EndeavorOS and the latest GE-Proton8-16, I am not able to play the game without issue
Latest Updates for Nvidia, Proton GE 8.16, and overall OS updates seemed to have the game working without issue.
The game runs fine with most versions of proton, the game does not crashf or me at all except when doing battle animations.
force_compat_shaders=true %command%
Crashes when doing battle animations
Works fine so long as you skip or disable battle animations
force_compat_shaders=true %command%
自从可能更新了SteamOS 4.3.6 就不会出现白屏了,但是没声音. 1.不用Proton 2..用了proton-ex(实验性兼容层)3.用了proton 7.0.6 也是这样. 4.用了GE-Proton 7.50 就完全打不开游戏
不知道是不是SteamOS 4.3.6 的功劳?不用输入force_compat_shaders=true %command%都能进游戏了,但是游戏没声音.
不知道是不是SteamOS 4.3.6 导致可以不用输入force_compat_shaders=true %command%就能进游戏了,但是也导致没有声音
以前是白屏,可以通过输入force_compat_shaders=true %command%来进入游戏. 现在不用输入force_compat_shaders=true %command%也能进游戏,这是一大进步,但是游戏没声音也是一个问题.
在首次运行游戏之前,如果不在 1.(掌机模式)齿轮 /(桌面模式)右键 2.属性 3.启动项 里面输入force_compat_shaders=true %command%的话,会导致白屏只有声音没画面. 首次成功进入游戏,会导致画面放大 / 变大,而显示不全(提前在 属性 那
force_compat_shaders=true %command%
首次运行成功的时候,会导致 游戏 和 退出游戏之后,整个Steam Deck的声音(无论是操作什么按键的音效)都会造成破音.然而重启一下掌机就没这问题了,再次进游戏都没破音问题了.
如果不在 1.(掌机模式)齿轮 /(桌面模式)右键 2.属性 3.启动项 里面输入force_compat_shaders=true %command%的话,会导致白屏只有声音没画面.
首次成功进入游戏,会导致画面放大 / 变大,而显示不全(提前在 属性 那里设置 分辨率 也无济于事).要在游戏里面设置1280x720才凑合校正画面比例,有些分辨率会导致闪退,Steam Deck没必要去尝试.
在首次运行游戏之前,如果不在 1.(掌机模式)齿轮 /(桌面模式)右键 2.属性 3.启动项 里面输入force_compat_shaders=true %command%的话,会导致白屏只有声音没画面.
首次成功进入游戏,会导致画面放大 / 变大,而显示不全(提前在 属性 那里设置 分辨率 也无济于事). 要在游戏里面设置1280x720才凑合校正画面比例,有些分辨率会导致闪退,Steam Deck没必要去尝试.
首次运行成功的时候,会导致 游戏 和 退出游戏之后,整个Steam Deck的声音(无论是操作什么按键的音效)都会造成破音.然而重启一下掌机就没这问题了,再次进游戏都没破音问题了.
With an Nvidia card you don't have to do anything, but I loaded into a white screen as with everyone else when using an AMD card.
force_compat_shaders=true %command%
crashed every time in game mode after attempting to set resolution to 1280x800
crashed when attempting to change resolution from default 1080 in game mode, continued to crash on launch in game mode until after changing to windowed and back to borderless from desktop mode. no issues hitting 60fps+ for the most part, framerate drops when speeding up during combat scenes
LANG=ja_JP.UTF-8 force_compat_shaders=true %command%
set the game up with 7.0.2 . added LANG=ja_JP.UTF-8 force_compat_shaders=true %command% into the launch options and good to go . also went into the controller option and set it on Use Default settings and my PS3 controller works just fine .
Didn't experience a single issue.
force_compat_shaders=true %command%
Xbox one controller isn't recognised.
Mouse and keyboard detected and work fine. Wired Xbox one controller is not detected.
force_compat_shaders=true %command%
Similar to SRW30, custom audio does NOT work. Even after you linked the file and and see it ingame, it only outputs silence when pressing Y for playback. If you were to equip the custom music, it would default to original music when game starts.
Game works for the most part and runs smoothly, EXCEPT for custom audio.
LANG=ja_JP.UTF-8 force_compat_shaders=true %command%
for people who use anything thats none Nvidia they need to add the following line LANG=ja_JP.UTF-8 force_compat_shaders=true %command% thanks to
Loads, hear music, see mouse and interacts but white screen only
Tried default proton and expiramental. No joy. Game is working in the background just fine and menus will interact. You just can't see anything but a white screen.
Game starts but the screen stays white. You can see a cursor, hear music and interact with the menu.
White screen, can see cursor and hear music
The game ran without tinkering. It had about 80-90fps. Acceptable for a turn based game.
white screen overlays both the intro video and the initial menu. Mouse does change to in-game cursor and is clickable.
Same bug on both native runtime and flatpak version
Game boots up it just loads a white screen and you can hear the menu toggling
You need to install japanese font and locale on your system, then launch with LANG=ja_JP.UTF-8 %command%
While in-game numbers do not display (only square boxes), the game doesn't display japanese fonts correctly (including numbers). To fix this I had to set my linux distro system locale to japanese.
some font is missing
Runs fine with two issues: Numbers do not display, and the gallery where unlocked videos etc. can be replayed is unusable due to crashes.
Text could not display numbers.
A few minor buttons and right joystick.
Crashes in Gallery; non-gameplay.