Thanks to another ProtonDB user who was using ProtonGE-8-3 - this specific version makes the cutscenes work. I tried with a later version (ProtonGE-8-25) and the game is totally broken and doesn't display anything at all.
Normal Proton works, but cutscenes won't play. That's ok for achievement farming, but if you haven't played through the story, you'd be disappointed. I played for many hours with GE-Proton and it works perfectly and is very stable with this game. No reason to use normal Proton at present.
Proton Experimental works if you do not need video cutscenes. In GE-Proton8-4 cutscenes, graphics, audio, controls all OK.
WINEDLLOVERRIDES="d3d11=n,b" %command%
Like others have notice you can apply this fix to improve performance
Most videos were not playing with Steam Proton but everything works perfectly with GE-Proton7-37.
Make sure to use The ATELIERSYNC fix Using the new proton 8.1 fixes all video file playback, and atelier sync helps framerate
WINEDLLOVERRIDES="d3d11=n,b" %command%
Full screen results in the game unable to detect your controller.
If the game was full screen it would refuse gamepad input
you can find the sync fix at this location, it helped me finally have the game run at a stable 60fps.
Prior to that have I tried most of everything to get it even stable at 40fps locked but without any luck, but it turns out the Sync fix ( works on most DX11 Koe Tecmo games ) finally took the game from barely running to running almost perfectly on the steamdeck which I'm very happy about.
The pairing with Proton 8, also seems to fix any video issues the game had in the past. hope this helps anyone who want a clean 60fps experience on the deck <3 ( also make sure to run the game in windowed mode or controller input won't work )
Works fine out of the box, no movies though
You can turn off movies in the setup tool but I wouldn't bother, all that will happen is you'll see a testcard in place of the movie and then the game will move forward to whatever was meant to happen afterwards. I actually prefer this over movies being entirely turned off, because you know a cutscene was meant to appear so you can go on YouTube to check what it was.
The game is generally stable, I've seen a few frameskips during play but nothing too serious and I haven't put a lot of effort into optimizing for performance.
I was expecting it to be much more difficult after I read the earlier reports, but I guess Proton has got better since then.
Playable as long as you dont mind not having cut sceens,
Cut sceens audio works, but video would not play.
Plays good on Max settings locked at 30FPS from in game menu. Only issue I had was cut sceens would play audio (And Subtitles) but no video.
Game will crash depending on what version of Proton you're using.
On the official Steam Proton, the game will not load up the W-Force logo, but pressing the "Steam" button should let you skip it and go into the game starting menu and options, but will crash loading the opening cinematic.
Using Proton-GE 7.20 got all of the FMV's to load, however loading into actual gameplay caused a crash.
Proton advances much, even the default releases of Proton. Some of the custom builds enhances even more the experience
When in fullscreen, not able to see all buttons. Windows does well
Music ok, voices very quiet. No sound effects.
Disable movies via the setup tool.
sound effects are missing. Voices and music are present though.
Disable movies or you'll get a black screen before the title. Runs fine after that.
Hangs after the splash screen.