Since the last update, you can finally connect to servers without any issues.
Runs as good as it ran on windows.

It uses EAC, but the developers enabled Proton compatibility recently.
Couldn't join any servers because they required a more recent version
You can still get the native version to run by creating a symlink
cd steamapps/common/Hurtworld/experimental
ln -s ../Hurtworld.x86_64 .
The game install, loads and connects to servers just fine. But after 10 seconds of walking around, the server kicks you with an auth error.
Anti-Cheat kicks you after 10 seconds
Easy Anti Cheat kicks you with authentication error
Game works fine technologically, however you cannot stay connected to a server due to the EAC anti-cheat system.

Missing Executable
Unable to start the game. "An error occurred while updating Hurtworld (missing executable) :"

Missing executable: Error while updating
Fresh game install doesn't start, gives error of: 'An error occured while updating hurtworld (Missing executable): /home/newuser/Steam/steamapps/common/Hurtoworld/experiental/Hurtworld.x84_64
Doesn't work because of EAC.

It's a native game even though store doesn't show linux support. Running without any problems.

Runs natively in Linux with no apparent issues.