Broken by default

40hz/40fps, TDP 5W
Set text size to XL in config tool
No controller support, but KB/M emulation and community layouts work perfectly.
External configuration tool cannot be exited manually, needs force exit.
Game's internal resolution is 1280x720 and cannot be changed, so there are black bars (letterboxing).
Other than that, runs great, looks gorgeous.
Runs perfectly, only thing I did was increase text size in configuration tool, and pick controller layout from community
Capped at 5W, was runing smooth 60fps
Configuration tool requires launching game at least once before it works properly I think
Can be changed in external configuration tool
Native version requires beta branch opt-in, Proton works almost perfectly
If you install the native version without changing to the beta branch or forcing compatibility settings to use Proton, you'll get a 0B install that passes validation (the dev did this on purpose). The only issue I had with Proton was that there's a separate executable for modifying settings, and I couldn't interact with it. The defaults are sensible and I think there's an .ini file you can edit to change the settings anyways, so it wasn't a problem.
Game runs native when you join the beta, use code 'abc123stasis'
Achievements don't work with linux beta

There is a native Linux beta of the game, but I had crackling audio and the achievements do not work. I recommend to play with Proton instead.

Folder is empty for windows install activation of beta means native Linux install so nothing for Proton to do. Windows is Brocken , Linux works as it is native

Stasis does appear in your library as native, but it downloads an empty file by default. You need to enroll into BETA in the Properties section using the "abc123stasis" code.

By default, Steam downloads an empty folder (as the game is considered as having Linux Native support, although it does not appear as such in the Store). To download the Linux binaries, you need to enroll in the beta by using the password abc123stasis in the "Betas" tab of the game properties. It works perfectly well