This is for the GOG version. Installed via Heroic Launcher, set GE Proton to 9-20. Prior to this all I would see is the unity logo followed by eternal black screen. Works perfect with 9-20.

Trying to launch with Proton 9.0 resulted in a black screen, switching to 6.3 solved the issue

Couldn't get past the Unity splash screen
This is for the GOG version. Whether I installed from Lutris or the .exe file from the GOG store, added the game to Steam, the results were the same. The best I got was seeing the Unity splash screen, and then it would stall on a blank black screen. I tried multiple versions of Proton, I tried some stuff on Lutris, I tried on my default Wine prefix, nothing got me past that splash screen.

gamemoderun %command%
Playing the gog version of the game, launching and installing it via heroic games launcher with the Proton GE9-4 version and game argument "gamemoderun %command%
Finished game without issues

Game launches and crashes
gamemoderun %command%
In an attempt to launch everything through steam on the steam deck I used lutris to install the humble games collection client, downloaded ghost song, and added the .exe to steam as a non-steam game. The game does not seem to launch this way, I'm not sure why or how to dive deeper but I get as far as the Unity spash screen and then a resounding C2D or C2BPM. Some games work better in desktop mode, others in game mode, this doesn't like either.
Game was running out of the box, no tinkers requires. Only had to change the resolution to make the framerate a little smoother.
The game stutters a little bit on 1920x1080 (playable, but annoying). Lowering it to 1280x720 makes it smoother. It's weird because the Ryzen 5 5600G runs RE2 remake pretty smoothly.
Maybe some tinkering in the future could make it run smoother at 1920x1080

gamemoderun %command%
Proton Experimental, 7 and regular Wine would not get past the Unity splash screen.
gamemoderun %command%
Without using GE Proton (or perhaps other special versions or tinkering), some videos in the game will not play, instead they display a "video test screen". Neither standard Proton in Steam nor Experimental had working video playback.
gamemoderun %command%
gamemoderun %command%
This game ran fine after forcing proton experimental. Note that this may change in the future.
Works flawlessy out of the box
Runs so well you'd think it's a native Linux game! :-D

Works absolutely fine - the only niggle is it supports 1280x720 not 1280x800, so you get black bars top and bottom.
If it doesn't launch, you may try Steam (Runtime) instead of Steam (Native).