Screen wouldn't refresh after starting the tutorial.

wine dxwnd.exe
game freezes when host starts map
Running with just wine yields the same results as described before, i.e. the screen does not refresh correctly during gameplay.
However, using DxWnd as a launcher (started with wine), with the default settings for the game, fixes the issue and the game runs smoothly.
Unfortunately, I could not get multiplayer to work. Patch 2.10 adds DirectPlay support to the game, hosted game is discoverable in LAN, but the game freezes when the host starts the map.

Game screen doesn't draw/refresh/update correctly, so it's completely unplayable.
Loads under Proton 4.11-13, but once it the game it becomes impossible to play.

Same as older reports: Main menu works AOK, start a game fine, but as you start the map the screen won't refresh.
Tried with the intel IGPU and radeon discrete graphics with radeon free drivers

Game launches and navigates fine through menus. However, when attempting to play a game there is serious graphical lag and artifacting making the game unplayable

The game starts, campaign screen is working, but at mission, screen hangs, while music is still playing, manu is accessible.