after pressing play start the TDR 2000 setup. hush away the warning. then select voodoo2 on the left and the resolution on the right. 1280x800 is supported. start the game. it should work flawlessly with texture filtering and shadows at 60fps.
the software renderer works but the voodoo2 selection makes it look soo much better with no alpha sorting issues and weird graphical glitches.
when you press play start the TDR 2000 settings. click profile hush away the warning. then select voodoo2 on the left and the resolution on the right. 1280x 800 is supported. then start the game. it should work perfectly with texture filtering and shadows locked to 60fps.
ditect x rendering doesn't work, stick to software
For a similar Windows performance, install dgVoodoo2 first. Then play the game as smoothly like Windows.
The game will crash with an Exception Handling Error message if the configuration file not match the hardware settings, or have incorrect values. It requires to run the Setup program shotcut (or delete the gfx file) to fix the problem.
In a nutshell, DirectX 7 emulation on Proton are broken when running this game, since it will crash or display an empty black screen. Forcing software rendering (at expense of slower performance) fixes the issue. Hardware acceleration are only possible by installing dgVoodoo2.
To make the game work with hardware acceleration, the user should copy the dgVoodoo2 dll's to the game's directory and set the ddraw.dll override as native (the launch setting should be: WINEDLLOVERRIDES=”ddraw=n” %command%). Then run the setup program and select dgVoodoo2 wrapper as the display GPU. Once done, the game runs smoothly even a FullHD monitor display.
You must open TDR2000.gfx in game root directory. Change second and fourth lines of file to "0". Save it. Open "TDR2000 Setup", choose resolution and other settings as you wish, and start game.
Works only in software renderer. Everything works correctly but it looks so horrendous that I can only give it a bronze rating.
Must run the setup first which is a little buggy but works and must select Software rendering since DirectX 7 gives an error "No suitable rendering device was selected". Multiplayer wasn't tested. Framerate is good with some occasional minor drops and stuttering. Audio crackles with some sound effects but generally sounds good.
Gives an error EXCEPTION Access Violation with some RAM entries