system renders app as a regular window with normal behaviour and black background
the right click menu can not be interacted with by either mouse or tab-focus, but character responds to holding left mouse button. character doesn't react to anything else (app description mentions features such as 'jumping between windows' and 'play[ing] with the mouse')
DE: KDE Plasma 6.3.1 with kwin wayland
tbh i don't think any 'desktop pet' applications work properly on linux under wine/proton
Won't boot at all.

character on a black screen
does not register mouse movement but the right click menu does open and the character does display but only on a small window with a black background

Giant black window covering half of my screen, then another black window containing the "Desktop Mate"
Giant black window covering half of my screen, then another black window containing the "Desktop Mate", Funny enough the desktop mate actually renders quite well but half of my desktop is covered by a black window and she is also in a black window
der hintergrund war schwarz und es wart keinerlei interaktion möglich
Display a black window

Launches a small black non-transparent window, doesn't work basically at all
Tried multiple different Proton versions, 7.x and older result in a crash-restart loop, other ones work but incorrectly
It doesn't respont to left clicking at all, the character doesn't move anywhere although its animations are working, you can only rightclick to open and close the menu, nothing else works, tested both on Wayland and X11

Left click doesn't work, Right click does
This was in Wayland, a black window spawns with the character confined on the window, left clikc doesn't work so you can't interact with the character at all, but it opens and shows the character at least.
Seems that we would still need to wait for a working buddy in Linux

Runs but the model is stuck inside a windows with a black bacground.
The application spawns two windows at launch. One of these is called "Default IME" and the main application window won't accept any left click until you close the "Default IME" window.
The transparancy etc. do not work. The model is confined within a window. Which defeats the purpose of the program.
Runs and has no performance issues but it the model is stuck inside a black window, it cannot be moved out of it, so it's not working properly. And when launched it spawns another window with the title "Default IME" and if you don't close it you wont be able to interact with the window by left clicking.

large black window hides everything on interaction
a black window with chracter and another large black window opens. left click works but said large black window immediately moves to mouse position and hides everything.

I await the day we get a proper "desktop pet" that works with Linux.
Transparency does not work with KDE.
Black border around the entire screen.
Same issue as any other "desktop companion" app you see on Steam - transparency. Opening it will just open a full-screen black box for you to choose your character and have it walk around. Not worth using.
I await the day we finally get to eat good on Linux with this kind of stuff.
it will open a black window that'll fill the screan with Miku in the middle but you can't do anything

Kinda works, but not fully.
A black wine window opens with the character in the middle. Also left click doesn't work, only right click, so you're unable to interact with any menus.
Technically runs, but the character is confined to just the wine window.
It runs, but just a black box with the character.
Some Unity window appears and the game closes immediately after.

Performance and graphics are good,, transparency and left click does not work at initial release.
Transparency does not work -- leaves a black color.
Left click does not register.
Game is not yet fully compatible with Linux, at least on Arch using the X11 xmonad window manager. Users with this setup will not enjoy the black screen, although the models and animation work perfectly.

Borked. doesnt work with cinnamon and probably doesnt work with other WMs
Black box menu, not intergrated with my WM, that doesnt accpet mouse input. my WM isnt compatable, clearly, but yours might be, so check if you want.

although the Mate did show up, it was inside its own black isolated window, no
clicking on inital menu did not do anything. right clicking made the next menu appear, yet it also did not accept inputs