Heroes 7 läuft auch auf richtig alter Hardware, mit Hilfe von Proton "Out of the Box", nur leider nicht ganz frei von Fehlern.
Wobei ich glaube das dieser Fehler, darauf zurück zuführen ist das die Speicherstände, Lokal auf dem PC und in der Cloud, nicht richtig synchronisiert waren. Da beim zweiten Anspielen von Heroes 7 und nachdem synchronisieren beider Datenpakete, nach einer Pause, die Tonwiedergabe des Spiels nämlich wieder reibungslos lief.
Heroes of Might and Magic 7 startet auf meiner doch sehr betagten, alten Hardware mit Hilfe von Proton 8.0-5 deutlich besser, aus dem Stand oder "Out of the Box" als mit Proton Experimental. Jedoch bereitet das Wechseln von einer Karte zur nächsten innerhalb der Geschichte der Kampagne grade Schwierigkeiten. Siehe unten... .
Beim beenden der dritten Karte der Zufluchts - Kampagne wurde der Zwischendialog noch vernünftig wieder gegeben. Jedoch stürzte anschließend das Spiel beim Hochladen der vierten Karte der Zufluchtskampagne einfach ab. Genauer gesagt frierte der Bildschirm einfach ein. Die Maus bewegte sich nicht, noch reagierte die Windows - Taste um auf dem Desktop zurückkehren zu können. Das ist bisher zweimal vorgekommen.
Heroes of Might and Magic VII ist ein sehr schönes Spiel, mit einer tollen Geschichte, schöner Atmosphäre toller Spielmechanik und Grafik. Die Grafikpracht kann ich leider nicht in vollen Zügen genießen kann da meine Hardware einfach zu alt ist. Wenn das Problem der Spiel abstürze beim wechseln der Karten innerhalb der Kampagnen behoben werden kann. Dann ist das spielen von Heroes 7 sehr empfehlenswert. Und über einen 8 Teil der Reihe würde ich mich auch freuen.
Install ubisoft connect
flatpak install com.github.Matoking.protontricks
flatpak run com.github.Matoking.protontricks 321960 --gui
and select install app -> ubisoft connect
(it's no longer called uplay and trying to install uplay just broke my prefix, but this method works)
Use Winetricks to install uPlay then run and allow to update to Connect. HoMM7 should run. Might need to restart uPlay once or twice, same with game.
multiple changes to taste including adding zoom, rotate.
Be patient loading Connect. Login will clear on its own but launching game takes a long time.
Did not work with Steam or Proton. Got HOMM7 working by installing Lutris, installing Ubisoft Connect, disabling DXVK on Ubisoft Connect, installing HOMM7 which installs a separate instance of Steam, which then installs HOMM7. Game must be run this way to work. It had performance issues so reduced the graphics quality and was playable. Hope this helps someone.
Uplay doesn't match with installed game...
Game well installed with Steam, and Uplay well installed and updated with protontricks. But Uplay doesn't recongnize my steam installation and the installed game... And the game itself by steam leads to a transparent and useless "ubisoft launcher". Wasted hours for nothing.
After installing game, use Protontricks from: https://flathub.org/apps/details/com.github.Matoking.protontricks to install into game proxy Uplay.
Run Uplay just after install (from installer menu) to let it update!
Stem won't be able to update it and launcher will hang. I am also running it with '-offline' flag.
Splash screen appears but actual game does not launch
Installed uplay and quartz via protontricks as mentioned in other reports. Sadly, this did not help.
Needed to run "protontricks 321960 quartz" from the terminal to get some missing MS KB packages installed. Added the launch parameter "PROTON_LOG=1 %command%" to get additional logs from the game. Game crashed at first launch, but works fine from the second launch and further on.
If you have got a lot of saved games - there could be an issue with hanging system
Had to install uplay (protontricks 321960 uplay) but after that the game runs flawlessly.
"protontricks 321960 uplay" is needed to install UPlay.
The campaign selection window is black, only tooltips are visible, so to select a campaign you need to find its tooltip.
The game is not very smooth on max settings but that may be unrelated to Proton.
I tried this game only with UCP 1.2.
Installation is not tested on proton 5.0. Previous install was made using Proton 4.x. Installation using proton 4.x was broken but using protontricks and manual uplay install, it was possible to get to the startup logo.
Ran latest wine-staging in installed Proton Wine prefix.
Opponent's turn music track often continues to play after the opponent's turn is over. Might be a bug in the native game too... not sure. I've only run on Linux.
The game works perfectly on my system after some hacking. Use Steam to install it. Use the following launcher settings for the game in Steam: PROTON_DEBUG_DIR=/home/blah/proton PROTON_DUMP_DEBUG_COMMANDS=1 %command%
This creates a number of scripts including "run" in "/home/blah/proton". I downloaded the Uplay installer and modified this "run" script to run "wine UplayInstaller.exe".
The game will attempt to start, but hang taking 100% CPU. Kill it (and all the wine stuff). Next copy the DXVK stuff into the Proton Wine prefix area. Also copy dxvk.conf file to: /home/blah/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/compatdata/321960/pfx/drive_c/dxvk.conf
Inside of this file, turn off the hack that makes it think it is an AMD GPU. I'm using these lines: dxgi.customDeviceId = 1C03 dxgi.customVendorId = 10DE ... dxgi.nvapiHack = False
Modify the run script to point to my config file by adding: DXVK_CONFIG_FILE=/home/blah/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/compatdata/321960/pfx/drive_c/dxvk.conf \
The final step is installing and using the latest wine-staging stuff. I took the Proton "run" script and modified it to remove any references to "Proton" from PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH, and I removed WINEDLLPATH. Then, on the final line where it calls ".../wine steam.exe ..." I removed the Proton path from "wine" and removed "steam.exe".
Now when I run this "run" script, Uplay starts up and asks for credentials. Since I already have a Uplay account, I logged in. After that, Heroes 7 started up! Runs beautifully in Linux once you get past all of the DRM stumbling blocks.
All of this effort essentially boils down to this: This game would probably work out of the box if Proton were using the latest wine-staging. There's probably a better way to achieve that than what I did, but I figured I'd publish a good result here if it helps people.
The problem with UPlay can be solved with ""protontricks 321960 uplay". UPlay starts then, tries to start the game, but nothing opens except UPlay icon in Wine tray. Process with the game runs at 100% CPU but shows nothing.
On initial run installs regular things along with Uplay, but then (and every time) when the game tries to actually start it crashes with "Unable to locate Uplay PC" popup.
Will not work even with UPlay installed through Lutris. Game cannot find the UPlay executable.
Games need uplay who is not installed(and not install automatically). Perhaps manual install of uplay? Do not work out of the box at all.