The Linux port is a serious hackjob but it does work.
Game doesn't center cursor correctly. Seems like Freejam just dropped a Linux port hoping Unity would handle it all. Still technically playable though. Just maybe don't use the map ping key and you're fine.
As good as this dead game will ever get.
If you were planning on playing this game, I would do so now before it's too late. I can't see Freejam supporting it for too much longer. Been playing since 2017 and it has seen better days.

Occasional Anti Cheat issues when starting, otherwise flawless
Sometimes Easy Anti Cheat doesn't allow you to start the game, starting it again fixes the issue tho
Eac not working on linux (eac error client not connected)
Silent crash on startup

Good Game, good performance
no issues, played with my son online all the time
No problems at all, it works.
Game loads to Robocraft screen, no menu, and just sits there. It will eventually crash if left alone for awile
o jogo funcionou perfeitamente assim como no windows 10 no meu pc
You would enjoy this game on windows you would like it on linux.
No problems, worked as expected.
Native version works fine
Silent crash

Great game which unfortunately won't run because of the intro.
The intro screen won't load because of a common issue, basically the video can't render because my CPU doesn't have enough cores/threads - and the game won't start without said video rendering first. This can easily be fixed by the developers by simply adding a option to skip it - or a command to do so in the Steam Launch Options.
I need to make worse graphic to have stable fps, but on windows i have 200+ fps with fantastic graphic
sometimes i open chat when shoots, but idk how

Works without a problem! Runs just flawlessly.

Borked as well
Apparently running this as it comes default gives me an attempt to load with 'Preparing to load...' dialog box. Then crashes.

Opens a little screen and hangs indefinently. It's borked!

Just a black window doing nothing after pressing play, had to kill it
Tried because the Native version didnt work for me, the Anti Cheat kept me from getting to the main menu
Show running steam status, won't start. Just install native version that runs fine with some cursor glitches

I don t know when i enter the game it freezes for no reason .