O jogo roda bem, mesmo em uma configuração mais fraca
Fiz um teste neste outro computador que tem um processador um pouco mais fraco e também uma placa de vídeo mais fraca. O jogo mesmo nestas condições funciona normalmente e sem lentidão.

O jogo funciona perfeitamente bem, sem nenhum tipo de lentidão ou perda de performance. Não precisou de nenhum ajuste ou outra modificação fundamental. É só instalar e jogar.
No additional setup needed, runs fine

FPS generally not as smooth when compared to windows version
Worked for me without any tinkering at all, just some minor perfomance loss when compared to windows version

Crash after 30 mins. Wouldn't start back up

Works out of the box, the only problem has to do with some non-essential panels not loading at all (things like game news).
Exiting full screen with Alt+Enter sometimes requires to cycle twice before game resizes.

DXVK_FILTER_DEVICE_NAME="AMD Radeon Graphics (RADV REMBRANDT)" gamemoderun %command%
Doesn't run with nvidia graphics, if you have iGPU try running with that, use the command vulkaninfo to see the iGPU name

Failed to check launcher version
a launcher shows up and I assume youre supposed to be able to press play or some sort, but you cant get that far.
The game seens to work perfectly outside of the case for TOS does not load, can just accept and it works, and the news feed does not load.


gamemorun %command%
The game works perfectly, although certain emerging windows are not loaded by the lack of a webView component

Failed check launcher version
gamemoderun %command% --skip-launcher

gamemoderun %command%
working out of the box

The demo seemingly booted fine, but I was greeted with a very unclear pop-up which GE-Proton didn't fix
The game will ask you to agree to terms it will not properly display (infinitely loading), even with GE-Proton. I'm going to ASSUME the game works fine beyond that point, but you are not allowed to start the game before accepting the terms which you cannot see.
I'm going to assume these involve the fact the game offers "in-game purchases" or some such drivel.