gamemoderun mangohud %command%
- Sometimes ambient music just cut out, while other sounds continued
- Sometimes Alloy became mute
- Audio cuts out in some cutscenes
- Flickering lighting in tavern of Chainscrape
- Black lines on water while swimming
- In some cutscenes, some textures loaded only in a tiny resolution
- After completing story mission in Heaven's Rest , all palm trees had rainbow colored squares on their surface. Restarting the game fixed it.
- Tabbing out froze the game. Somehow it got fixed while i was playing.
- Walking: Traversal stutter into the 40ms (25FPS) range. Especially on high settings, the spikes were extremely noticeable.
- Standing: Sawtooth-Microstuttering (7ms->11ms->7ms) depending on location. Especially in cutscenes. Sometimes over minutes.
- Map loads sometimes for >10 seconds. In rare cases it never loads.
- Game stutters when M.2 SSD slightly loaded (<20MB/s)
- Tabbing out froze the game. Somehow it got fixed while i was playing.
- All NPCs frozen (some in T-pose) in Fleet's End
I payed the game with a ulimit of 1024. Only after i came here, i saw that i should have increased that to get a better experience.
Systemd-users, set DefaultLimitNOFILE=49152:524288 in /etc/systemd/system.conf
If you have played a few games on Linux (and you have already played Zero Dawn), i can recommend this game, but a newcomer would probably blame Linux for the technical issues.

In the desert region, the sound is completely broken. (sometimes)
Rarely crashed.

Steam OS 3.7.1 Fixes most crashing problems as far as I can tell. Audio almost immediately had problems either cutting out, crackling, or just cutting dialogue.
Sometime the map fails to load and you have to restart the game to get it back
getting anywhere from 15-40 fps depending on the area

ulimit -n 1048576; %command%
Without the launch command the game occasionally hangs or voices disappears
Worked out of the box. No tinkering.

Game eventually loses all audio, then starts freezing for long periods requiring a restart, tends to happen in cutscenes or when opening men
FSR, Lowered Settings, Set the GPU to 1600
Game eventually loses all audio, then starts freezing for long periods requiring a restart, tends to happen in cutscenes or when opening menus.
Game eventually loses all audio, then starts freezing for long periods requiring a restart, tends to happen in cutscenes or when opening menus.
Game eventually loses all audio, then starts freezing for long periods requiring a restart, tends to happen in cutscenes or when opening menus.
Game eventually loses all audio, then starts freezing for long periods requiring a restart, tends to happen in cutscenes or when opening menus.
Game eventually loses all audio, then starts freezing for long periods requiring a restart, tends to happen in cutscenes or when opening menus.

Runs good out of the box. Can`t compare with windows, I have no longer windows install

env DRI_PRIME=pci-0000_03_00_0 ENABLE_VKBASALT=1 RADV_PERFTEST=gpl,nggc,sam LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libgamemode.so gamemoderun mangohud %command%
See the clocking comment!
Definately check what type of clock call you use with this game! Character animations are dependant on system clock calls. see https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Gaming#Improve_clock_gettime_throughput
Other than the frustration of the developers not using an internal game clock, it ran smoothly out of the box after adjusting my system to use TSC

ENABLE_VKBASALT=1 gamemoderun gamescope -S integer -W 3440 -H 1440 -r 144 -f --adaptive-sync --steam --force-grab-cursor -- %command%
I run gamescope, gamemoderun and VkBasalt but that's personal preference. Those aren't required for the game to run.
PS: The report indicates I don't own the game, that's because I play using a family shared library.

Works occasionally. Sometimes makes entire save files unplayable, thank god for autosave. Avoid using fast travel. Can be fixed either by restarting or restarting and then loading an older save file.
some types of foliage flickering, including tall grass used for stealth. It looks so stupid
audio issues
sometimes the audio will also just disappear during regular gameplay

gamescope -W 3440 -H 1440 -r 175 -f --hdr-enabled --force-grab-cursor -- %command%
Works without any launch options. I used gamescope to get HDR working which cause a crash after a few minutes if Nvidia Reflex Low Latency is enabled. After disabling it gamescope and HDR work fine.

game it is running but i have no controlls,at all...ive tried with diff settings,even with one from comunity butill nothing.pls any ideea?
experimental proton
just hope at the moment

Music and voice randomly cut out; no discernable pattern nor fix

30Hz Refresh Rate / 1400Mhz GPU
If the audio for the dialog stops playing, then the game will usually crash shortly thereafter. Happened some early in the game, but frequently during the Burnish Shores DLC.
Update to my previous entry with a lot more playtime on the Deck. Playable for certain, but ultimately I think the game is pushing the limits of the SD hardware.
Performance Tips on Steam Deck
Game consistently gets better frame pacing, and often 2-3 FPS higher when manually setting the GPU clock to 1400MHz.
- Base Game: Set TDP to 13W.
- Burning Shores DLC: The Deck needs the full 15W TDP.
- The base game and DLC have fundamentally different hardware requirements and Steam Deck performance.
- Both are mostly playable at 25-30 FPS, with dips into the high teens to low twenties during:
- Large cinematic cutscenes.
- Fights against large machines.
Settings can help mitigate dips, but expect sub-30 FPS when it really matters most (e.g., Apex Thunderjaw fights or the boss fight in Burning Shores).
This can make the gameplay frustrating when the Deck struggles to maintain 22-24 FPS.
Opinions on FSR
- Drawbacks:
- Item drop icons become blurry beyond recognition.
- Machines in the distance are blurry.
- The glider looks messy.
- Aloy's hair appears weird.
- FSR was avoided for most of the game but became necessary towards the end of the DLC to maintain low 20s FPS.
Issues with Frame Generation
- Frame generation provides higher FPS but introduces:
- Visual artifacts around the HUD area that looks like screen tearing.
- Input lag and acceleration issues, making aiming difficult.
- FPS still drops into the low 30s during big fights (~15-20fps native), rendering it ineffective.
Stability Issues
- If dialog audio stops working, or the map only shows a black screen, the game is likely to crash within the next few minutes. Tested with Proton 8, 9, and GE-9.
Recommended Settings
Base Game
- Graphics: Low Preset
- Display Resolution: 1280x800
- Dynamic Resolution Scaling: Off
- Anti-Aliasing: SMAA
- Upscale Method: Off
- Frame Generation: Off
Burning Shores DLC
- Graphics: Very Low Preset
- Display Resolution: 1280x800
- Dynamic Resolution Scaling: Off
- Anti-Aliasing: FSR3
- Upscale Method: FSR3
- Upscale Quality: Ultra Performance
- Frame Generation: Off

Currently may require some tweaking depending on your distrobution, but I think it's very enjoyable once workarounds are employed.
ulimit -n 1048576; %command%
Without Launch Options I had set, audio such as speech would cut out, and eventually game would lock up requiring you to force-quit it. Seems to be hitting open file descriptors limit. Setting Launch Options with ulimit -n 1048576; %command%
fixed this for me. Max value available may be different, check with ulimit -Hn
in console.
The game occaisionally has fraction of a second freezes that usually doesn't affect gameplay for me. If this happens during cut-scenes, audio may be out-of-sync for that phrase, but it fixes itself shortly. Otherwise, game performs pretty well on my setup on Very High graphics settings on a 5120x1440 screen (32/9).
Would likely work with Proton 9 or Proton Experimental, but I was looking into fixing the audio cutout & crash issues. Increasing the soft open file descriptor limit using Launch Options is likely the fix needed. Some distros may have this set to a sufficient value, but Bazzite only allows 1024 by default.

Runs pretty much exactly like natively on Windows. No Graphical Issues, no Crashes/Lags, Just worked.
gamescope --steam -W 1920 -H 1080 -w 2560 -h 1440 -r 144 -b -- %command%
My mouse cursor will not be confined to the game window, even when just moving the camera, making it constantly move onto another monitor. Can be fixed by either A: Playing with a controller, or B: using the '--force-grab-cursor' gamescope argument.
Outside of that, runs like a charm. No issues whatsoever.
Dlss/Framegen works wonders, runs more smoothly than on Windows

With the frequent audio issues and crashing I think it would be a very unfun experience.
Audio randomly stops working, only coming back if I restart the game.
When I alt-tab in loading screens or on launch there is no audio after.
After a while of normal play the audio starts to cut out, then soon after it crashes. As soon as I stop hearing audio I just accept the fact that the game is about to crash. When it crashes it freezes for a moment on screen and I just have to wait for it to close by itself, because system monitor won't even recognize it at that point.

It's not the best experience. SD Setting are max 30FPS, but my SD LCD is frequently in the mid-20's.
Definitely playable, but expect to play in the 26-30 fps range.
I tinkered with the settings a lot, testing various combinations of dynamic scaling, FSR and framegen. Too much input lag and FSR blurriness for my preferences, so FSR & framegen off.

聲音的部分有機會破音,需要調整piperwire min-quantum = 512 linux的clock source需要調整為tsc,否則整體遊戲會慢動作 現行的著色器已可順利運行,遊戲前建議先跑完著色器更新,舊版會很lag

Pop in/flickering of foliage. Switching from proton version 9 to 8 fixed the flickering.

MANGOHUD=1 gamemoderun %command%
The game seems to be cpu-bound on my hardware compared to running it natively on windows; framegen 3.1 made performance and feel significantly worse on linux compared to windows. Without framegen the game runs fair above 30fps up to 80fps, and offers an overall enjoyable experience

PULSE_LATENCY_MSEC=60 gamemoderun %command%
Voices and music stops randomly after some time
After the sound issue occurs, most times you got a crash soon after
Fully playable - sometimes FPS would drop but I think it's because of my CPU (or the game is not well optimized, who knows). Sometimes voices and music would stop playing and soon after the game starts to ge berserk: map won't display anymore (black screen), the inventory won't work correctly, loading a game would hang. Eventually you either get a crash or a stuck process. The only fix is restarting the game. I couldn't determine a pattern for the bug though (yet). My recommendation is - since the game saves often - as soon as you catch the bug, don't continue playing and just restart the game.

Aside the sound issue it works alrgiht
Audio sometimes dissapears and never returns until game restart

In the DLC map the game crashed.

Андервольт: CPU -50 GPU -50
Видеоядро ставим на лок 1600 MHz
Иногда при смене режима на "оконный", окно открывалось не центрированно по экрану, а уползало "за края". В таком случае помогало включить/выключить "Вертикальную синхронизацию".
Сначала только тач-скрин. Нашёл телеграм канал, в котором парень создал текстовый файл в корневой папке игры и всё заработало. Ищите его на видеохостингах или телеграмме.
На больших открытых локациях идут просадки фпс вплоть до 15 FPS. С этим ничего не поможет, т.к. просто не хватает мощности процессора
Устройство - Steam Deck Oled. Версия игры - 1.5.8. Версия SteamOS - 3.15.19 Установлены:
- Decky Loader - PowerTools (Governor - "Performance")
- CryoUtilities (рекомендуемые настройки, файл подкачки - 16Гб)
- ProtonUp-Qt
- Видеопамять увеличена в BIOS до 4Гб.
Ставим лок на 30 FPS.
Выставляем настройки: Режим экрана - "Полноэкранный"; Разрешение - "1280х800"; Соотношение сторон - "Авто"; Вертикальная синхронизация - "Вкл"; Способ масштабирования - "AMD FSR 3"; Качество масштабирования - "Качество/баланс" (в зависимости от нагруженности сцены); Качество текстур - "Средн."; Фильтрация текстур - "Анизотропная 8х/16х"; Качество теней - "Очень низк."; Тени в экранном пространстве - "Выкл"; Затенение фонового цвета - "SSAO"; Отражения в экранном пространстве - "Откл"; Детализация - "Средн."; Лица в видеороликах - "Производительность"; Качество волос - "Средн."; Качество людей - "Средн./Низк."; Качество рельефа - "Низк."; Качество воды - "Низк."; Качество облаков - "Низк."; Качество прозрачности - "По умолчанию"; Карты паралакса - "Выкл."; Поле зрения - "-15%"; Глубина резкости - "Откл."; Эффект скорости - "0"; Резкость - по вкусу, у меня "4"; Виньетирование - "Вкл." (вкусовщина, но я рекомендую включить, т.к. картинка, на мой взгляд, становится чуть более контрастной/глубокой).
- Долго сравнивал включенный FSR через "режим окна" и "Полноэкранный" на 1280х800. Разницы в производительности не было, только картинка отвратительная;
- Температуры у меня в маленьких локациях - 50-55гр, в больших до 70-71гр (и на CPU, и на GPU);
- Автономность на данных настройках около 2 часов;
- Играть комфортно, к периодическим заиканиям - привыкается. В случае сильных просадок и Вашего успокоения понижайте указанные выше настройки. Но смысла не будет или будет незначительный;
- В некоторых кат-сценах будут серьёзные просадки. Рекомендую перетерпеть/временно понизить настройки (это не исправит ситуацию, но может облегчить) Хорошей игры и удачи!
The game works perfectly reliably and without any adjustments. AMD FSR 3.1 + frame generation.

with the latest 1.5 patch you can easily reach 60fps during normal gameplay (all low settings, FSR3 frame gen enabled). you can even reach 90fps incertain cases. its honestly impressive what they were able to squeeze out of the steamdeck.

MANGOHUD=1 gamemoderun %command%

Après le lancement du jeux depuis le launcher, écran noir, puis un message d'erreur apparaît, le jeux quitte en cliquant sur "OK".
gamemoderun %command%
"Le jeu a planté car il utilise davantage de mémoire graphique que votre système ne peut en gérer actuellement. Cela pourrait être dû à un espace disponible insuffisant dans votre fichier de page pour que Windows puisse gérer la mémoire graphique utilisée sur votre carte graphique. Veuillez essayer de baisser les paramètres graphiques, de réduire la résolution, d'accroître la taille de votre fichier de page Windows, de redémarrer votre PC et/ou de fermer les applications superflues exécutées en arrière-plan avant de relancer le jeu."
auto-traduction: "The game crashed because it uses more graphics memory than your system can currently handle. This might be due to insufficient free space in your page file for Windows to manage the graphics memory used on your graphics card. Please try to lower the graphics settings, reduce the resolution, increase the size of your Windows page file, restart your PC and/or close superfluous applications running in the background before restarting the game."

LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libgamemode.so gamemoderun mangohud %command%
Sometimes the game lost audio for the dialogue and music. Restarting fixed it.
Full playthrough with keyboard and mouse. The game might run flawlessly on your setup, but it didn't with mine. That is why I'm giving it a thumbs down even though I managed to get to around 70% completion in both the main game and Burning Shores DLC.
For the longest time I was experiencing random stutters with frametimes up to 500ms, which made me want to stop playing altogether as the stutters were pretty consistent and happened often. I finally changed my GPU profile from 3D Fullscreen to Fixed High in CoreCtrl profile settings and that fixed the issue for me. There were still some stutters here and there but nothing major and definitely not close to 500ms which completely ruins the experience. Burning Shores performance was pretty bad compared to the base game which I think is just due to lack of optimization on the PC port itself.
There's also the problem with losing audio in the middle of gameplay which is only fixed by restarting the game (if you try to go to the map in this state it only shows a black screen and becomes unresponsive so you have to force quit the game). Luckily the game autosaves often and I didn't lose any progress due to it but it is pretty annoying especially when it happens during important story missions or right at the final bosses as it did for me.

Performs better than my last contribution. Runs very well on my setup. Beautiful graphics and good framerate (>60)
See my earlier contribution about tinker steps used.
In my earlier contribution i spoke about screen flickering. In my case with and AMD Card the solution was to Turn off "Dynamic Resolution Scaling" and only use AMD FSR3 upscaling. This also improved general percieved FPS and frame stabilty.
I also noticed that the Dynamic resolution scaling settings back from 60 to 20 would make the flickering less intense but not remove it.
See earlier report. In gamescope with multihead setup capturing mouse argument is required.
Dynamic Resolution and upscaling settings used:
Dynamic Resolution Scaling: Off
Anti Aliasing: greyed out unavailable
Upscale Method: AMD FSR 3
Upscale Quality: Quality
Frame Generation: AMD FSR 3 Frame Generation

DXVK_HDR=1 gamescope -w 2560 -h 1440 -r 160 -f --hdr-enabled --force-grab-cursor --adaptive-sync %command%
Using gamescope on a multihead setup to prevent the hardware cursor staying in image and leaving the screen --force-grab-cursor
argument is required.
Quoted from hero's contribution prior: "Occasionally the framerate will get into a bad state where every few frames are long (visible via mango) and flickery." I have the same issue.
Without HDR support it runs as described above. Flickering image issue is annoying and doesn't seem tied to HDR being abled. Haven't found a solution yet. Framerate is usually at least 60 FPS. The image flickering can be a dealbreaker for playing this game for prolonged time. Marked this report as not recommended for non-tinkering users to warn for the flickering image issue.

gamemoderun %command%
Without the gamemoderun launch option I experienced freezes after a little while playing. Audio would also frequently stop working. Launch options gamemoderun %command%
did not immediately resolve this. Running gamemoded -t
would log an error regarding setting the CPU governor. Adding myself to the gamemode group resolved this, after which the game started running flawlessly.

Full playthrough with ocassional issues
Voice audio randomly stopped playing a couple of times after a few hours of continuous gameplay. A game restart would fix the issue.
While playing after first launch you will get massive FPS dips for a while. I assume the cause is likely shader compilation although I did not confirm since it was a one time issue. Parts of the menu in particular are practically unusable during this time, and I had to actually restart the game after it stabilized during gameplay in order for the FPS in the menu to stabilize. After that point I had the following performance:
- Base Game - Moderately stable ~60 FPS with the High graphics preset. Infrequent 20+ FPS dips.
- DLC - Moderately stable ~60 FPS with the Medium graphics preset. Sporadic 20+ FPS dips which occurred more regularly than in the base game.
The FPS dips in both parts of the game are very noticeable but do not happen often enough to ruin the overall experience.
Game uses quite a bit of VRAM (~7GB on high settings). If I did not close every other graphical program, the game would freeze within 1-2 hours of gameplay (presumably because it would get maxed out at some point). Watch out for VRAM usage depending on your settings and configuration.
The game can be fully played and enjoyed, but it is graphically intense.