Works great on my PC and on my Steam Deck, my Steam Deck even runs 30 FPS smooth on a 1080P monitor.

gamemoderun %command%
150-165 FPS in 1440p with everything maxed out, ray tracing features included.

can start game only in window mode, can't change resolution !
The game does not start in any of the Proton 9, experimental, nor hotfix. Is a resolution problem. Change the LocalPrefs.txt DisplayModeWindowMode to 0. Then the game will start in window mode. Next problem, is you can't change the resolution to stretch fullscreen, since the game does not have "fullscreen" option. only has "window" and "windowed fullscreen". When choose "windowed fullscreen" the resolution is locked to desktop resolution. If desktop is 4k, cannot change to anything lower, unless you lower the desktop resolution. What is this rubbish??? should refund the game.

Doesn't start
Tried with Proton 7.0-6, 8.0-5, 9.0-4, with and without the launch options. It just doesn't open

掉帧卡段解决方法:【最大前台FPS】锁定到【60】,根据显卡的实际性能可以上下调节,让 GPU 负载在 80% 左右,不要跑满。
不调节设置的话,帧率会逐渐降低直到卡成 PPT

I did a lot of tweaking to try and get the graphics right but I got horrible performance and eyesearing visual glitches no matter what I did
Flickers stale frames and is extremely ugly
Horrible stutter and jitter
Horrible experience overall and graphics glitches made it unplayable
Horrible performance on a horrible game, please don't pay money for this absolute scam. This was the first time I got a store popup in the middle of a custcene in any video game ever.
VRAM leak was introduced with the expansion (VoH). Before that, everything was great. Now I can play 1-2 hours and I need to restart
Tried limiting vram to 8192G in dxvk.conf
Rarely floor textures are missing. Restarting the game fixes it
VRAM leak is not fixed even when limiting the memory to 8G. It just takes more time to fill up all vram until frame rate drops.

Works well but encounters somewhat regular hitching
hangs when exiting
Intel XeSS resolution scaling option is missing
Works out of the box, but is missing the XeSS resolution option. And encounters a large hitch every minute or so.
VK_ICD_FILENAMES=/usr/share/vulkan/icd.d/radeon_icd.x86_64.json VKD3D_CONFIG=no_invariant_position %command%

Create a dxvk.conf in lutris/battlenet/drive_c/Program\ Files\ (x86)/Diablo\ IV/
[Diablo IV.exe] dxvk.maxChunkSize = 4
Fill in the values (XXX
) with something lower than your graphics card's memory.
Beat the game on Linux with no problems

Game stutters a bit
Game ran fine for months. Since January I get a Fenris "unexpected error" message and cannot start the game. After switching to an older Proton-Version (as someone suggested here) it works again. Hopefully the issue gets fixed in newer versions as I need to stay on the older version to make the game run.

-adapter 1
edit or create file in installation folder called:
add these parameters:
dxgi.maxDeviceMemory=10000 dxgi.maxSharedMemory=10000
In January battlenet launcher is not able to update with error BLZBNTAGT00000840. Switch to proton 8.0.5 to update then back to latest version.

Since I bought the game on battle.net I am using Lutris to launch so I cannot answer any question about launching this game via Steam.

Proton 9.0-4

glxinfo | grep -E -i 'device|memory'
get max memory of graphics card
create a dxvk.conf
in lutris/battlenet/drive_c/Program\ Files\ \(x86\)/Diablo\ IV/
[Diablo IV.exe] dxvk.maxChunkSize = 4

Consistenly could only play for a minute or two before getting the "Diablo IV has run out of memory" error. Tried Proton 9.0-3, Proton Experimental, GE-Proton-9-10. Since switching to Proton 8.0-5, have played several hours now without crashing.

I added the launch commands to enable DLSS, but this is not needed, I ran with default options the game ran without any issues as well.
Fantastic experience gaming on Linux ! Keep up the good work Steam and Game developers!

Had an issue where the game selected my integrated graphics, leading to about 2 fps on the menu and making it impossible to even get to settings to change this. fixed in the file "LocalPrefs.txt", found in the prefix: "drive_c/users/steamuser/Documents/Diablo IV/", changing the line: Adapter "0" -> Adapter "1"
works fine on lutris through battle net (after some potential config tweaking)

Game formerly had severe first-time load hangs prior to release of Patch 2.0.1. Game had rare (but not Linux/Proton-specific) crashes for a short period of time after release of Patch 2.0.1.
Battle.net games (D4/WoW/D2R) for me would attempt to update (taking ~2 minutes to do nothing before being able to start the game) before every run when running Battle.net (Windows install) through Steam. Issue is resolved when running Battle.net (Bottles install script version of Battle.net) through Bottles.

mangohud %command%
Background FPS Limit was Enabled - Open the Following File:
SteamLibrary/steamapps/compatdata/2344520/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/Documents/Diablo IV/LocalPrefs.txt
Changed the Lines Below to the following:
LimitBackgroundFPS "0" MaxBackgroundFPS "235"
Fixed by Editing LocalPrefs.txt in Documents folder, Background FPS Limit set to 8.

Run really well. Only thing missing is frame gen, but that is because it hasn't made it to my distro. Everything works great.
I added all the options to enable DLSS and other features from Nvidia. Everything works great except frame generation.

Works good out of the box but GPU memory leak exposed so graphics may degrade thru the time
dxvk.conf dxgi.maxDeviceMemory=8192 dxgi.maxSharedMemory=8192
GPU memory leaks
Setting maxMemory thru dxvk.conf solved the problem

- Get GPU max memory
glxinfo | grep -E -i 'device|memory'
- place a config-file
/home/USERNAME/Games/battlenet/drive_c/Program Files (x86)/Diablo IV/dxvk.conf
[Diablo IV.exe] dxvk.maxChunkSize = 4

Since patch I mostly geting a network timeout, about 1 in 20 tries go through and get a to the character screen.
Since patch I mostly geting a network timeout, about 1 in 20 tries go through and get a to the character screen selection but otherwise timeout and retry.

Very low FPS and Heavy stuttering since Vessel of Hatred even in menu
gamemoderun %command%
Seems borked for me since Vessel of Hatred. Tried various other Proton version 8, 9, experimental + GE-9.13, GE-9.16. Game starts just fine and plays company logo without problems. But as soon as the menu appears everything is laggy and stutters: 2-6 FPS at max.

Video memory leak causing crashes without tinkering, crashes happen more frequently when traveling between regions frequently
Tinkering steps:
Create a dxvk.conf file with the settings reported by other users, adapt them to your GPU. I'm using a 1080 TI with 11gig vram, my settings are for 10 gig (10240 mb)
In Lutris, go to your battle.net settings -> System Settings and add the environment variables:
key: DXVK_CONFIG_FILE value: /path/to/dxvk.conf
Set graphics quality level to medium

PROTON_HIDE_NVIDIA_GPU=1 VKD3D_CONFIG=force_bindless_tex_heap gamemoderun %command%
Currently, the game suffers a heavy VRAM leak, which will ultimately cause low FPS and full game crashes. In case you notice from white / foggy floor textures, your GPU is likely running out of VRAM.
Following Pathiefs instructions to create a dxvk.conf
file located at /YOUR_STEAM_LIBRARY_DRIVE/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Diablo IV/
and setting the values about 2 GB lower than my GPUs VRAM fixed everything for me. For an 8GB VRAM GPU the values would be:
Adjust accordingly for your respective VRAM.
In addition, make sure to use FSR, as DLSS seems to be borked right now.
Performance is slightly lower than on Windows
Without the applied fixes, the game will crash on a regular basis
Non steam version (Lutris): No longer launches after Vessel of Hatred release.

Not playable through Lutris and Battle.net after latest DLC update
gamemoderun %command%

When using gamescope, the games freezes ~50sec after boot. Otherwise, I'm getting the "No GPUs found" error.
PROTON_HIDE_NVIDIA_GPU=1 gamescope -w 3840 -h 2160 --force-grab-cursor -- %command%
Game freezes after 40 seconds.

In order to prevent the game from freezing, I had to create a dxvk.conf file with the appropriate VRAM for my GPU.
- Finding out my VRAM
- Run
lxinfo | grep -E -i 'device|memory'
on the command line to find out your Dedicated video memory. In my case it says "Dedicated video memory: 10240 MB"
- Create the dxvk.conf file
- Go to your Diablo IV folder. In my case, that's in "/gamedrive/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Diablo IV/"
- Create a
text file - Inside the file, paste the memory restrictions. I used 9000MB, just to be save
Game frequently froze when teleporting after a dungeon or so but hasn't happened since i added the dxvk.conf file.

VKD3D_CONFIG=force_bindless_tex_heap PROTON_ENABLE_NVAPI=1 gamemoderun %command%
Ocasionally the game freezes. You can hear the background noise, if you press "Esc" you can hear the menu opening up but screen is frozen. Ocasionally toggling window/fullscreen fixes it but not always.
When the game doesn't freeze it works perfectly.

Smooth gaming experience, works as expexted.

%command% -adapter 1
Occasional freezes & crashes with ray traced particles enabled. No issues with any other settings, including ray tracing to highest without ray traced particles.
HDR through kwin + gamescope would not start.
-adapter N
was required as the game would launch on my iGPU, which was too slow to even render the menu to let me change the setting.

LAUNCH OPTIONS: -adapter 1
As with many others, D4 started with the iGPU, which only resulted in a grey window that then closed by itself. Once I set the launch option, all went well.

works perfect
I have roughly 350 hours in this game on Windows using the Battle.net-version (played between 2023-06 and 2023-08, didn't touch the game ever since until now) ; just got it on Steam and have to say that there is absolutely zero difference compared to 'windows-native'. Performance is the same, no online connectivity issues, audio is fine - the game runs perfect.