Tried with both ALVR and Wivrn. Performance was much better on wivrn but it alos locked up my desktop in some wierd way on exit. Ran well, to bad the game is kinda of boring one trick pony.
Desktop issue on exit.
Fails with directx11 error if steam VR is running
Tried to use for Dx11 but didn't work if steam vr is running errors with Failed to initialize graphics. Make sure you have DirectX 11 installed, have up to date drivers for your graphics card and have not disabled 3D acceleration in display settings. InitializeEngineGraphics failed
Other VR games are working fine but the whole ALVR to steam VR thing might be complicating matters.
Since patch I mostly geting a network timeout, about 1 in 20 tries go through and get a to the character screen.
Since patch I mostly geting a network timeout, about 1 in 20 tries go through and get a to the character screen selection but otherwise timeout and retry.
crash at start 'LowLevelFatalError' shader crash
A quick check of steam shows other folks getting the same error.
After about half an hour becomes a slide show and needs to be restarted. This seems to be specific to Nvidia hardware.
Nvidia and Linux seem to stil have signifgant issues at least on Pop_os
--lua-heap-mb-size 2048
Enabling any ray traching causes crash within about 20 seconds.
Key ray tracing off and it seems pretty stable. Turn either raytracking setting on and crash in less then a minute to desktop.
Yes unless you want multiplayer :p. Then you are gonna have get lucky and figure it out.
SteamDeck=1 %command% +noIntroCinematics
on creash save point was always there partcualry in multiplayer. Some times works though...
some crash between chapters, auto save some times fails when crashes.
AVF error after patch 3. Requir steam tools proton anticheap isntall and adding config line SteamDeck=1 %command% +noIntroCinematics. Otherwise instant disconnect and no multiplayer (complete BS by saber to make this change without providing support for paying customers).
Steam proton anticheap is not installed bedefault, go to your library and enable tools view to install. Then restart then SM2 should start to be able to conenct again. I also added SteamDeck=1 %command% +noIntroCinematics but not sure if that is effecting things or if just anti cheap. I'm scared to touch it now.