Random crashes and since the game seldom saves you loose a lot progress everytime, pretty painful to try to enjoy the game
Fatal error: [File:I:\AltWorkspace\Engine\Source\Runtime\RenderCore\Private\RenderingThread.cpp] [Line: 1272] GameThread timed out waiting for RenderThread after 120.00 secs
0x0000000142504a3b Riven-Win64-Shipping.exe!UnknownFunction [] 0x0000000142510ea0 Riven-Win64-Shipping.exe!UnknownFunction [] 0x000000014378717c Riven-Win64-Shipping.exe!UnknownFunction [] 0x000000014378e68c Riven-Win64-Shipping.exe!UnknownFunction [] 0x000000014378e70a Riven-Win64-Shipping.exe!UnknownFunction [] 0x000000014378f75c Riven-Win64-Shipping.exe!UnknownFunction [] 0x0000000143798044 Riven-Win64-Shipping.exe!UnknownFunction [] 0x0000000145aac102 Riven-Win64-Shipping.exe!UnknownFunction [] 0x00006fffffed482d kernel32.dll!UnknownFunction []
Hopefully a fix to Proton or the drivers will make it playable at some point

the Cyan logo splash screen at startup is completely white. most of the linking book images remain black even after the books are properly activated in the game
I contacted Cyan support and they said they'd never tested it on any version of Linux, lol
Starts on monitor instead of Valve Index
The pre-menu Cyan logo MP4 video, which has no audio stream of its own, is played out of sync (~0.5x speed) with the audio track supplied by the engine and is terminated early before the menu is displayed.

Steady fps, and game runs smoothly outside of some minor audio and video artifacts. The slow loading times could use some work though.
artifacts on border of screen
Loading is very slow. No idea if it's the game or compatibility layer though. Hopefully it improves.

Crackling in VR with Valve Index. Happens in most games, when computer is stressed hard.
Playing in VR, this game stutters a little bit, but probably due to insufficient GPU.
Works in VR, when using the latest Proton experimental. Using Monado as OpenXR runtime.

VR模式看起来没有工作,至少使用ALVR串流的时候不会在头显上显示任何游戏画面,但是游戏画面会正常输出到显示器上。我使用的上Pico4 + ALVR串流,尝试了运行支持VR的游戏比如Half Life Alyx和Wingman能正常串流,对于不支持VR的游戏仍然能以Steam剧场方式传输画面到头显上,但运行Riven就如前文所说的,不会显示画面到头显上。

3D Riven works

Played through the initial island and reached the jungle island, some very slight slowdowns. No graphical issues, no sound issues
Loading times were a little long.

Seems to work perfectly out of the box on Proton Experimental

Steam Cloud lost my save.
It's been two years since they released hardware that literally depends on Steam Cloud, you'd think they would have fixed it by now.
Common across all games on my system. Seems to be an outstanding issue with PipeWire and Wine/Proton.

has just been working "out of the box" for me
very pleased with the performance and stability so far given no tinkering (PS: this page is specific to the 2024 remake of the original 1997 Riven, the latter of which has its own page)

Decent FPS on high and extremely infrequent stuttering despite not meeting CPU requirement
Audio in Cyan intro animation plays at normal speed while video plays in slow motion. Audio sync is fine after game is started.
Shadows don't always cover the bottom two rows of pixels, causing a bright line at the bottom of the screen in some scenes. Cyan logo intro plays in slow motion.
Updating OS and switching to Proton 9.0-2 fixed the crashes I was having before.

Excessive screen tearing throughout even with vsync enabled; audio/video desynchronization during the Cyan logo pre-menu sequence; even with in-game graphical settings set to the minimum level.
May be possible to smooth this out with tweaks, but I haven't found them yet.
Ran it with default settings. No issues out of the box. Game took a bit to start, but that could just be due to the age of my computer.

Only the first few minutes work and then it crashes Xorg.
The loading screen after clicking the linking book causes Xorg to crash, which kills all open programs and logs me out of my PC.
Tested using the demo