consistent 120fps on my machine, excellent game
some occasional minor audio crackles, could be the fault of my setup, however

Some of the text was a bit small. This was fine for me, but might be an issue for people with more severe vision issues.
Ran Perfectly

Almost flawless
Occasionally a bar of static would flicker across the screen (very infrequent)
Aside from the rare graphical bug, the game ran perfectly.

PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 %command%
I'm not sure why the PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1option is required for my setup, but the game would freeze on the first loading screen (before the main menu) without it. After I set the launch options the game runs flawlessly.

I was unable to reach 60 FPS so I limited it to 30. It became steady after enabling half rate shading and set the in-game shadow resolution to medium. After that I only experienced minor dips in framerate in busier areas such as viewing the hub world at certain vantage points.
TDP limit to 9 watts, manual GPU clock to 600MHz
Half rate shading is half rate shading.

Works perfectly out of the box, no tinkering necessary
Enterprising tinkerers might be able to squeeze a bit more performance, but as-is it's smooth and simple

Runs well apart from minor slowdowns, no crashes, game is great !
Some minors framedrops at times, but I can't tell how much is due to proton

In the middle of chapter 3, works great, 60 fps, slight performance dips but nothing dramatic