Installed ogg and xaudio
Initially submitted a report today that using protontricks to install ogg and xaudio had the game running flawlessly. Since then, after several hours of gameplay across a couple of sessions, the game now no longer starts and will lock the whole system again. No changes to prefix or game config. Not sure why it would start having this issue again.
Installed ogg & xaudio in ProtonTricks, ran with Experimental and now it runs better than it did on Windows 11!
Installed ogg and xaudio
ogg and/or xaudio are REQUIRED to be installed into the prefix to get this working on my setup. Before doing so I got the same crashes as the other reports. Hard locked system and everything. Now it runs smoother than it did on my Windows 11 install!
The game completely freezes after about 10 minutes of playtime.
After the game froze, KDE also crashed and had to be restarted.
In an earlier version, the game ran without any issues on my Linux PC. It’s really unfortunate that I can no longer enjoy the game.
The latest version is completely unplayable
%command% -d3d12
No issues detected
Works as expected.
My game would fail to launch there would be a flash and the game would attempt to draw a window. After turning on logging I saw something like this.
X Error of failed request: BadMatch (invalid parameter attributes)
Major opcode of failed request: ### ()
Minor opcode of failed request: ### ()
Serial number of failed request: ###
Current serial number in output stream: ###
I started debugging and chasing down random forum posts relating to nvidia driver issues, xrandr errors, reinstalling divers.
For me, somewhere along the way the graphics settings were changed. I had to run an older version of the game in beta mode and it was a whole thing.
Bottom line, I went back to the last known good config where the game would launch then changed the system settings from "borderless" to "fullscreen". That finally made the reproducable error of a failed launch go away. There is probably an .ini file in the wine space I could have editied too.
%command% -d3d12
Worked affter adding the command option for DX12. (Without this option it was not able to create the game window.)
gamemoderun %command%
Beim umstellen von dem standard Vollbildfenster zu einem kleineren normalen Fenster gibts immer einen Spielabsturz.
Das Spiel läuft super, man muss jedoch die ältere Proton Version 7.0-6 verwenden sonst startet es nicht. Auch nicht mit der neuesten GE-Proton Version.
Man muss die Startoptionen nicht verwenden, jedoch kann es (bei manchen Spielen) sein, daĂŸ bei aktiviertem Gamemode Spiele generell flĂ¼ssiger laufen.
Alles in Allem ein sehr stabiles und performantes Spielerlebnis ohne FPS-EinbrĂ¼che oder sonstigen Problemen.
Newer versions failed. I'm guessing it's related to AMD vs Intel/Nvidia, since the most recent report is what helped me.
gamemoderun %command%
gamemoderun %command%
Perfect on SteamDeck if you make a few settings tweaks
Limited to 30 fps in Steam UI. Lowered graphics settings to medium. Turned shadows to low.
Some small text. The community control layout includes a magnifier on L4.
The built in controller support is 'meh'. IMO very important to switch to a community controller layout. IMO a great Steam Deck game.
Could not get this to run - Ran once and crashed after presenting a black screen, then never started up again.
Intel ARC A770 causes crashes when running in DirectX11 (the games' default) supposedly due to some Intel specific driver version parsing issues in UE4. Adding the arguement '-d3d12' forces the game into DirectX12 which cirvumvents this.