microsoft 2008 and 2010 libraries
Proton experimenta, hotfix, 9, 8, 7, and some others
gamemoderun %command%

Used Proton 9.0-3 runs just as good as it does on my Windows install.
There's an option to use Vulkan when starting from Steam itself but I've never used it.
Nothing else had to be done besides a restart when loading into your first PvP match because denuvo..

With default settings it ran at a very good 5 FPS, definitely much lower performance than on Windows. After lowering settings and enabling V-Sync it ran at a steady 50 FPS
The game started on every Proton version I tried (lots), but didn't make it past player data loading. Finally, Proton 7.0-6 worked, but the intro video that plays when you launch doesn't work. The Vulkan build did not work. It would crash, but actually have a Unity error report and logs, unlike when using other Proton versions

run vulkan version
very small text
When you install Denuvo firsd time the game crashes. On restart everything worked fine though, including multiplayer.

After updating to version "part 5", it is not playable - it crashes to the desktop.
Game is not playable.

Update Part 5 broke the in mission perfomance completly
115 FPS in Menu down to 15 FPS in mission
After update 5 the in mission performance is completly broken. Before update 5 I had no problems. The Vulkan build is completly broken and won't start. The normal builds coudln't get 30 FPS in a mission

gamemoderun %command%
Make sure to choose Vulkan build when launching the game, better performance. One small issue(only on Vulkan), it seems to crash when I set the texture quality higher than "low" for some reason, other than that it runs flawlessly.

Only PVE multiplayer works

very bad performance
+fps_max 144 (runs smoother with max fps set imo)
Graphics at medium PvE
- Not in combat / running around on the map: 90 - 100 FPS
- In combat: 50 - 60 FPS with some rare, short (2 - 3 seconds), but strong FPS drops (like 2 - 5 FPS)
- Doesn't work
Doesn't connect to servers, can't play online
My first report btw :D
Denuvo seems to make it borked
gamemoderun %command%
Always an anticheat error when starting a PvP match. Never tried PvE since that's not really my thing.
Able to install and start just fine but Denuvo borks it.
Hangs on Fetching Server Data
If you have a full AMD PC, this game will work without further tinkering and knowledge needed!
Multiplayer works really great! I experienced no issues in the long run and I tried everything to on purpose break the game even setting the graphis to the highest on a 55Inch 4K TV. Absolute unbreakable!
Started a match with my friend who is playing on widnows I had the better performance with the same hardware specification and smoother gameplay. Finished the Mission from start to end literally 15x no crashes, 100% Flawless!
Fully compatible with vulkan support, squeezes more fps in linux over windows in certain aspects.
After switching to an AMD GPU, Vulkan based version works perfectly. No spike lags, surprisingly smoother than Windows.
Some coop maps dont work with vulkan. If is crashes on a map, just change to directx. Vulkan runs better, though.
Using Proton Experimental [bleeding-edge] on the Vulkan build after the most recent update gives a flawless experience.
The DirectX version has some stuttering, but the Vulkan build runs smooth.
While the DirectX build is stable, the Vulkan build is surprisingly prone to crashing.
The briefing cutscenes only play correctly on the Vulkan build. However I would still recommend going with the default instead due to stability reasons.
Started the game with the vulkan build, single player worked perfectly. Didn't try multiplayer.
Using the regular DirectX version gave me terrible performance. I used the Vulkan build for a smooth framerate.
Didn't play online multiplayer because it requires me to play through a long tutorial.
It won't even get past the first loading screen.
The initial animation of a skeletonized Desert Eagle pistol shooting and reloading was playing at a very low framerate. since its not a graphically intense animation, it means that the game probably wouldn't run very well even if it loaded.
Slight performance stutters but otherwise ok
prime-run %command%
occasional crackling
Certain settings would disappear until I played a multiplayer game, might be a game issue
typical dxvk shader cache issues
Requires you to restart the game (to install Denuvo anticheat) in order to play multiplayer. Works alright.
Other people's performance issues might be due to using a high polling rate mouse(?) I did not test mine, but will eventually. Avg fps for me was fine (~60fps) even on high settings.
The game installs and runs but you have like 15 FPS in the main menu .. My guess is that the game is not very well optimized.

Crashes after loading screen on both the DirectX/Vulkan builds of the game.
Unplayable in its current state
Works (if you like low fps)
Game stays at around 25 fps and for some reason vsync made it go to 50 but that's only on the menu, in game it's horrible
The Vulkan build worked perfectly however it crashes on the menu
I pressed play and I had were was a black screen.

Very low performance so not very enjoyable
Starts with 70+ FPS within a minute have like 15 FPS and it won't go up anymore

Works well. Sometimes stutters but it gets better with lower settings
Slight Stutter sometimes (but get's better after 10mins or so) and massiv stutter when using the under-door camera
Unstable Vulkan build is unstable (who knew). However using 'default' version works pretty good
The Vulkan build is a bit buggy and doesn't really improve performance.
Game ran with no modifications whatsoever and only slight stability problems not uncommon for the game when I play on Windows.
Crash when leaving multiplayer match.
Everything work as expected. No issues during my 2 hour play session.
With a mouse polling rate of 1000 mouse will jitter like having low fps with high fps but turning it down to 500 fixes this.
Very low performance without use Vulkan. When I use Vulkan, game crashed.