Given that the min spec is a GT 520, I expected more than 20fps max even on the lowest graphics settings
The startup can be slow (and look like it crashed) depending on which Proton you use. Standard Proton doesn't show videos but can be faster to get to the main menu, while Experimental and Proton-GE do better with videos but can have periods with just a black screen and the cursor.

It is very fun with gyro
gamemoderun %command%

Launching game is really slow

Runs out of the box and everything works with great performance.
It seems older versions of proton did not run this, but the current one does great. Proton-GE is not needed.

Crashes, Freezes
Could not get game to work properly via Steam with any version of Proton. Tried multiple times, tried deleting prefix and retrying, double checked have all dependencies installed.

6.15-GE-2 GloriousEggroll GloriousEggroll
6.15-GE-2 GloriousEggroll

6.14-GE-2 GloriousEggroll

Freezes just as start menu appears
using eggroll Protron-6.9-GE-2

Game never gets to main menu, screen stuck with strange colored boxes like a display test
proton 6.3-4