I tried running the game with nouveau drivers and I was required to use proton_use_wined3d11=1 to even launch the game. Even after launch it was extremely slow. I decided to switch to the nvidia proprietary drivers and it ran perfectly fine without any commands. I decided to add two GL commands and install gamemoderun to better optimise the game and it works flawlessely.
There Have been 2, maybe 3 places where the lighting has caused significant slowdown. But the areas have been small save rooms from what I recall and don't negatively affect gameplay.

Works beautifully out of the box, sound included
The sound is completely borked.
No sound at all. Nothing when starting, nothing at the title screen, nothing when playing. The sound configs were left to the defaults (not mute) and system sound control was not muting anything.
Some lights cause texture to have small visual bugs. Using Proton 4.11 solves the problem of no audio when ran in Proton 5.0.
There is no sound at all.
Runs out of the box, no problem at all

Stays in Running.. state for a while then crashes silently
Uses Unreal Engine and OpenGL support isn't baked in.
Works out of the box. No additional configuration required.

Crashes on launch, doesn't give any error message