El juego abre hasta el menú y da errores de conexion, si lo fuerzas pueden banear tu cuenta
NO apoyen a esta empresa, Bungie se NIEGA ACTIVAMENTE a ofrecer soporte para linux

Does work but you will be banned!
The game can and will run on Linux but Bungie considers bypassing the platform limitation to be cheating and will permanently ban you per their help page.
"Players who are not accessing Destiny 2 through Windows and attempt to bypass the SteamOS/Proton incompatibility will be met with a game ban."


Do not support Bungie anymore, you will give yourself a big favor.
Budgie doesn't want to comply on Linux kernel security with the excuse of the anti-cheat system. So, running this garbage on a Windows system is at your own risk. Do not support them anymore. Even if they are changing the executives in the future with better decisions. They are the real filibusters, not certainly us, as simple Linux users. There is one and most valing above anything reason why the Linux kernel won't give access to these practices. They're scum.

Nothing happens, I get a black screen and then the game closes itself.
I've heard that Bungie actively bans Linux users, so please test with caution.

Doesn't work due to Bungies incompetence. Fuck Bungie
Works under a VM with GPU Passthrough however.

Bungie has not enabled Battleye to support Proton, though it would take about 5 minutes.
There is no amount of tinkering to get around this, at least while keeping your account safe from ban.

Bungie has not enabled Battleye's support for Proton. There will be no way to tinker through this one.

why does bungie hate linux?
Will not launch under any circumstances.
Anyone trying to bypass any anti-linux measures they have implemented will result in a ban.
Just let us use proton please.

File a ticket! https://help.bungie.net/hc/en-us/articles/360057978711-Destiny-Contact-Forms
Excluding linux in 2024 especially running on a platform that does have linux support is NOT OK

Blocked by Bungie
Wish Bungie accepted us Linux users.

Blocked by Bungie
Linux is being blocked by Bungie intentionally. Bummer, since this requires me to dual boot.
Game won't work with any Proton version.

Unplayable, the game won't launch no matter what Proton version is choosed.
According to other reports and forum threads, Bungie works to keep all non-Windows users away from Destiny 2. Actively unsupported.

Bungie has severed ties with Linux gaming on a bewildering note
Evidently, Bungie has forbade Linux access to Destiny 2 for various reasons, primarily related to cheating suspicions, and therefore this game is unable to fully boot before closing due to those anti-Linux measures. Purposefully unplayable, as you may be able to tell.
Game does not run at all.

Using a Proton fork I've modified to remove many of the features that Destiny uses to detect if it is running under Wine/Proton. Works nearly flawlessly, 'cept not playing nice with switching workspaces in Hyprland. Less noise in the terminal than in many Unity games under Proton. Can't figure out which part of their anti cheat doesn't work under Proton.

Bungie Hates Linux = true
Game actively probes/detects Linux and blocks running
A real shame, because Google had it working perfectly under Linux for Stadia, but Bungie will never willingly let a build of Destiny 2 that works on Linux out into the world. They've had multiple attempts at engagement by community members willing to help, and they actively refuse all help, and will block/ban all Linux users. This is a standing Bungie policy.
Please make this game able to play on linux

Open the page - help.bungie.com/en
After installed https://steamdb.info/app/1161040/charts/ this game launched and loaded, but after showed error send to help.bungie.com/en and search popapto
Does not launch

i quit this game 7 years ago glad nothing changed
MANGOHUD=1 %command% -enable-speech-dispatcher PROTON_HIDE_GPU=0 PROTON_ENABLE_NVAPI=1 %command% gamemoderun WINE_FULLSCREEN_FSR=1 VKD3D_CONFIG=upload_hvv %command%
even putting text to speech couldnt save my soul praise hatsune miku

Game does not launch
Does not start

Lazy Devs
They hardly keep their spaghetti mess of a game running to support battle eye for linux
Bungie are still being pricks as of most recent update
Does not run at all. No version of Steam Proton, GE, or Wine works. Warframe is a good alternative.
Tried Steam Proton, GE, Experimental, and older Protons. Game does not run at all. Doesn't even launch. Just go play Warframe.

Downloaded and installed fine, but will not launch...
Linux (still) actively unsupported...
:( I wann play with my friends
Due to cheating concerns...
...game will only ever run on Windows, and logging in with an unsupported system can get you banned. Not only is the game [likely] borked in its core, the game won't let you try and will black screen you. Guess because Linux is used by programmers, it is also a hacker paradise..?

still doesn't work
Linux still has no good way to play D2. With Sony owning studio and title maybe there is a little hope.

nothing happened and its sad
Your game will have cheaters regardless of what platform(s) you support...
backwards, paranoid development team.
Has never worked. Does not work years later.
Might as well stop trying.
sem compatibilidade e nem interesse dos produtores
nem chegou a rodar
Still broken. Bungo plz fix
Don't trust any reviews saying it works up to this point.
Bungo plz fix its not hard, JUST SEND THE GODDAMN MAIL

muito bom jogo, gráficos simples e bonitos, além de ser extremamente leve e funcionar em todas as plataformas
MANGOHUD=1 %command%
minha opção de tela cheia está ligada, mas ele não ocupa a tela inteira e preciso usar o scroll do mouse pra subir ou descer e ver a tela toda