Issue 1: The game will show between the top desktop menu and the side taskbar (Ubuntu's take on GNOME) click in the game area or press a controllers button to go full screen.
Issue 2: Every time the game is closed a error box is visible, somewhere in it says "LowLevelFatelError". This dialog box is from Wine.
I would say this should be a safe game to play with minimal regrets.
A splash screen is seen, the screen is black as the game is trying to load, I am taken back to the desktop so yep it is unplayable.
The following renders in either solid blue or black: -The space ship -Asteroids -Planets -Space stations
I found out in the tutorial
Tried every tweak from Valves GitHub, will not go past the screen that prompts you to connect to the server (crashing as a result).
Despite my computers power I cannot achieve 144FPS at 1440p (which I think it would on Windows, not that I tested on Windows). I can now get past the screen which says that the multiplayer is offline.
This is a indie Unity powered game, performance was less than 50 FPS average, not sure if poor optimization or to do with the fact its Linux, bottleneck seems to be CPU.
The game runs on Direct X 9 so you need to disable D3d11.
There was a Linux version but it popped out of existence meaning it was playable but its not anymore. Submitted a negative review over this and a profile with [developer] told me to get lost!