Works fine. Tried online multiplayer with a friend, no complaints (performance-wise).
Game does not quit on exit; need to shut down via steam or end process.
Online functionality does not work. This includes leaderboards, steam achievements, steam workshop integration. Given that this is a speed game, lack of leaderboards detracts from the experience imho.
Game does not quit on exit; need to shut down via steam or end process.
Everything else works perfectly with proton experimental. With the default proton version, online functionality (leaderboards, steam achievements, steam workshop) did not work for me.
The game is quite hungry by default. Can limit TDP to 10w with almost no performance impact; to 5w with rare FPS drops.
Overall a nice experience. The only issues are battery consumption (can be mitigated with TDP limit) and that some text on cards is a bit small and difficult to read.
I also feel like the build is different from the default linux build. The differences are: (1) the achievements work on the deck (they did not on the desktop for me), and (2) for some reason you are limited to two playable characters on the deck instead of four elsewhere (no Noodle Man :( ).
Tried online multiplayer with windows-friends; no issues during the couple hours of play.
Ground (and some trees/bushes) textures are lowest-quality for some reason; everything else seems fine.
I am playing with kbm, no problems. But Steam reviews (for win) mention that origin does not recognize gamepads apart from Xbox one, so be wary. This is not a proton-specific problem though.
A lot of stutter during the first race, almost unplayable. Quite alright afterwards.
Used PROTON_NO_ESYNC=1 launch option.
- Decent FPS (not fantastic; cannot compare with windows), -- minor graphical bugs, -- have not tried multiplayer, -- gamepads not supported, -- origin is a pain in the butt (I had to launch the game 6-10 times before the first success).
Overall, I can play singleplayer just fine.
plays well and good on battery, but has some input issues
The game is not playable with analog stick since there is no deadzone and no way to set it -- leading to the car starting to steer unpredictably when you are trying to go straight. You can still steer with d-pad, and this seems to disable the stick input when you do, thereby solving the problem.
Also, as a minor inconvenience: you need to summon keyboard and press enter on the "press start" screen (no deck buttons seem to do the job).
There were some artifacts, not quite sure how I fixed those.
Logitech G29 wheel does not get mapped properly; needs a manual fix in the config (kudos to leillo from (steam discussions)[]):
The fix: in %VR4/common/settings/InputDeviceConfig.lua
, in the section --Logitech G920 - G29
, change the pedal config as follows (steering is ok as is):
ControlId = GenericDeviceControlId.I_ICI_GENERICDEVICE_AXIS_LZ,
DIAxis = DirectInputState.AxislZ,
Filter = FilterType.MaxDefaultStick,
ControlId = GenericDeviceControlId.I_ICI_GENERICDEVICE_AXIS_LRX,
DIAxis = DirectInputState.AxislRx,
Filter = FilterType.MaxDefaultStick,
ControlId = GenericDeviceControlId.I_ICI_GENERICDEVICE_AXIS_LY,
DIAxis = DirectInputState.AxislY,
Filter = FilterType.MaxDefaultStick,
Default proton version yielded very low FPS (15-20); proton experimental fixed this.
Crashed twice in an hour of play, both times after alt-tabbing.
Game servers disabled; you won't get online play or leaderboards. You will get a pop-up after every race about the game being unable to connect to servers.