If you live outside of the US, chances are that you are unable to save the game. Here's why.
There's an annoying bug in Steam OS. People outside of the US set their system's settings to a foreign locale, in my case German. This causes date formats and also system paths to change slightly.
There's a bug in Steam OS though that can't 100% change the locale. And when using the Konsole app in Desktop Mode, it's clear. You will constantly get errors complaining about locale or LC etc.
This error messes with LEGO Harry Potter. My guess is that Steam OS tries to translate some in-game folder paths and fails to do so.
Fortunately the solution is simple. I've posted the guide here: https://steamcommunity.com/app/1675200/discussions/0/5135803832902211410/
In short, disable file system's read only mode, reinstall glibc, generate the locale.
In long:
- Run Desktop Mode
- Open Konsole and run (without ">"):
sudo steamos-readonly disable sudo pacman -Syu glibc sudo locale-gen
See my fix.
If you live in the US or you set your system's locale to US, everything should work fine out of the box. If not, use my simple fix: https://steamcommunity.com/app/1675200/discussions/0/5135803832902211410/#c3466100515584689608
sudo steamos-readonly disable sudo pacman -Syu glibc sudo locale-gen
Everything works fine out of the box! Have not tried online multiplayer though.
Only thing that seems to be broken is the control options menu. Controls don't work in there (how ironic) and you can't get out of it.
In case you try to run this game on a PC without discrete GPU and it crashes while starting:
Open the settings file:
~/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/1174180/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/Documents/Rockstar Games/Red Dead Redemption 2/Settings/system.xml
Change adapterIndex value to 0.
0 = integrated GPU 1 = discrete GPU