The program loads, but crashes when the game is started.
The game loads, the opening scene plays. Controller was ignored until I pressed "A" on the keyboard. from there I was able to configure the controller. Once I tried to begin playing, it crashed and the program closed. It's disappointing, because I really love this series and wanted to play it.
I had previously reported this game didn't work for me. Since then I've learned about Glorious Eggroll. It came back on sale, I re-bought it, and now it works.
PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 %command%
2 hours into the game, I got to the point in the "upside-down world" where the appearing platforms were invisible. I looked this game up on the ProtonDB here and found other comments saying to enter the PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 command launch option. I tried a different version utility and then the game wouldn't load. I kept trying different options, uninstalling and reinstalling, etc. Then the game started working again. I am not sure if it's because it's now no longer fullscreen, but now that the game is working properly, I don't want to change anything. It looks like my problems are over.
Being a shmup fan, I decided to give this a shot when it went on sale. Nothing happens when I try loading the game.
Although this is a native Steam OS game, the video was off on my 4:3 monitor. It wasn't centered. I had to use GE7-20 and to get fullscreen.
Had to use GE to get it to work.
Played this game with a Logitech F310 and a Sega Saturn Virtua Arcade Stick using a Mayflash USB converter. Played fullscreen on my 4:3 fine
Wouldn't work with Proton Exp or Proton 9.0-3. It gave me errors. GE-Proton7-29 didn't work, but 7-20 seems to work fine.
Nice ChoRenSha-inspired shmup
I do not have to force any compatibility. The game runs fine on my Mint Mate desktop.
Fantastic shmup that would be at home on the Sega Saturn
Fantastic game, reminiscent of Thunder Force and other 16-32 bit shmups. Not only does fullscreen mode work fine, but this game supports a 4:3 aspect ratio, which is perfect for my monitor and the overall retro feel. I breezed through the first level, then the difficulty picked up quite a bit.
I got the Wine error as others have reported. After switching to an earlier version of Proton, the game works fine. Recommended!
Works alright without any tinkering
Framerate is choppy. My CPU isn't that slow, but maybe it's my video card?
I was drawn to this game for the Thunderforce-style gameplay and Dreamcast-style graphics. Framerate is not good on my computer. I bought my computer last year. Not top-of-the-line, but I'd expect it to run this game fine. There is no slowdown, but the FPS is choppy. YMMV!
The game won't run fullscreen on my 4:3 monitor.
At first, I had to restart the game a few times before it recognized my Logitech F310. I dunno why, but it works fine now.
This was my first non-Steam OS game I got to work on my Linux machine. It installed perfectly running Proton 6.3-5.
This shmup seems to work fine on Mint. I have a non-widescreen 4:3 monitor and the game works.
Once the start button failed to pause the game. I exited the game and restarted it. Problem solved.
Seems to work without tinkering, but doesn't like my Logitech F310
It doesn't recognize my Logitech F310
The Logitech F310 is a pretty basic gamepad, so it is puzzling why it's not detected in this game. Ironically, it had no problem detecting my Sega Saturn Virtua Stick with Mayflash USB converter.