Due to poor FPS and massive input lag and stuttering (online only) the game is unplayable.
Input is directly tied to the FPS. On Windows this is not an issue.
Massive stuttering and input lag due to low FPS.
Significant FPS drops.
Doesn't start no matter what.
Tried using different Proton versions and launch options. While the results were somewhat different, they all ended with the game not starting.
Runs flawlessly
Severe lag when switching between other applications. The problem is even more severe when the game is in Windowed mode.
I made the mistake of first running the game from my Windows partition. It seems like proton doesn't like NFTS partitions so make sure that the game isn't installed in one.
Without disabling Esync the game is unplayable.
The game stutters a lot when loading in new things (such as menu prompts, missions etc.). There is also a significant drop in framerate whilst in combat.
Maybe just a fluke, but the game didn't originally go into the loading screen upon starting the first time I launched it without disabling Esync.
When looking around on the caravan I noticed that the framerate dips into the 40s. I'd imagine this problem would be even more severe in actual missions.
While everything else works, loading into missions is impossible. Upon readying up you're met with an infinite loading screen that never ends.
6.16-GE-1 GloriousEggroll
GloriousEggroll Proton fork improves the performance by a significant amount.
There's a significant notice in performance between playing it natively on Windows and running it via Proton. It's not unplayable, but most people with higher spec machines will probably be able to run the game at a smooth 60fps or above.
It's definitely playable. The infinite loading screen issue is fixed, but it still has some performance issues that prevent it from being a truly native experience, but given how far Proton has come, I'm sure the issue of performance will be solved later down the road.
Without disabling Esync the game is unplayable.
The game stutters a lot when loading in new things (such as menu prompts, missions etc.). There is also a significant drop in framerate whilst in combat.
This game's performance is identical to GOD EATER 2 Rage Burst. Both games are pretty much the same in terms of graphics and engine.