Major stutter when scrolling around the map.
If you wiggle the mouse over farms there is major fps/frametime drops.
gamemoderun %command%
Had some weird frame drops when scrolling around and specifically circling my mouse around farms.
However I found that having gamemoderun installed and using the launch option fixed those issues: gamemoderun %command%
WINEDLLOVERRIDES="dinput8=n,b" %command%
Use Aquanox silent patch and place the files in the game dir: https://cookieplmonster.github.io/mods/aquanox/
Use the following launch option: WINEDLLOVERRIDES="dinput8=n,b" %command%
Really bad crackling audio during gameplay.
Intro videos play fine. Really bad audio crackling during gameplay.
First launch the game to generate the config.ini file located here: /SteamLibrary/steamapps/compatdata/45720/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/AppData/Local/capcom/lostplanetcolonies/config.ini
Open config.ini and set Resolution=1920x1080
Next download Xliveless: https://community.pcgamingwiki.com/files/file/576-xliveless/
Place the Xliveless files in the games directory: /SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lost Planet Colonies
Setting the resolution lower than 1920x1080 seems to freeze the game during launch
Mouse look in-game not working under Proton
Mouse in menu's works fine but in-game mouse look is broken.
WINEDLLOVERRIDES="dinput8=n,b" %command%
Downloaded the following dinput8dll https://gamemodding.com/en/gta-san-andreas/others/81709-mouse-fix-dinput8dll.html
Placed in the games DIR: ~/steamapps/common/Pound of Ground/
I used ProtonTricks to inject the dll into the library but also tested and works using the launch option: WINEDLLOVERRIDES="dinput8=n,b" %command%
Mouse doesn't work out of the box, please use the fix i've supplied.
Note that using the switch /borderless doesn't allow window mode and you'll always run the game in fullscreen. Alt-tab works fine.