Runs fine on the Steam Deck but the mouse controls and screen size make it a bit awkward
Mapped triggers to the mouse wheel for zooming the camera, bumpers and A/B as left/right click, mapped X and Y to showing and hiding air/ground units
The text in the top bar was a bit small
Recommend customizing the controls and taking some time to get used to them as the game was evidently made with keyboard and mouse controls in mind
Using the touchscreen to select actions seemed to be the most natural way to control the game on the deck. The game can bring up its own on-screen keyboard, but it's only needed when naming a new save slot.
Hard to recommend due to frequent freezes, sometimes once per each "longer" story section
Add bindings for standard RPGMaker controls (map "Z" and "X" to face buttons)
Lock refresh rate to 30
Game often freezed during dialogues
Some text in the menus is hard to read, but when in missions it's fine. Doesn't significantly affect gameplay.
Navigating menus with the default layout can be a bit awkward but in the missions (which is what you'll be actually playing) there weren't any issues. Lowered down the graphics settings and performance was good. Had a good time playing it on the deck.
Sometimes after accidentally touching the screen the game seemed to "remember" the location of the cursor even after using the controller and some submenus automatically opened later on. Fixed on restart.