12W TDP +40fps
You must set the game to windowed
Game overall runs great at 60 fps. Don't turn on the dx11 stuff though
Configured the game's controls via steam input, 5 minutes of my life down the drain
I can't read anything in this game, this is the only game I have had this problem on
10-15 fps on lowest settings, unplayable for an action game, then again why would you play this?
Game freezes during the comics stuff or whatever
Don't play this
Window mode, 800p, max settings, 40fps/hz, 5W TDP, GPU CLOCK 1100
Enable window mode, it fixes a couple of issues with the UI and performance. Game plays at 60 fps both at 800p and 1080p. With these settings I get around 3-5 hours of battery life (LCD). Keep in mind that I have Cryoutilities on without the 4 gig vram patch.
30 fps cap (in game)
Some cutscenes are bugged. Fixed with protonGE
This game shouldn't be verified with the cutscene issues. Also you can't cap the framerate to 40
30 fps cap and fsr balanced
Great game on deck. If you set FSR to UQ you can get a pretty stable 60 fps from my experience (I am using cryoutilities 2.0)