Installed: d3dcompiler_43
and d3dcompiler_47
protontricks 99300 d3dcompiler_43 d3dcompiler_47
Some artifacts in the grass, seems like transparency is not working as expected.
There seem to be an issue using Proton 5.x. I've only been able to run the game using Proton 4.x or 6.x
protontricks 99300 d3dcompiler_43 d3dcompiler_47
If changing between Proton versions, it seem to be required to rerun protontricks.
Some artifacts in the grass, seems like transparency is not working as expected.
There seem to be an issue using Proton 5.x. I've only been able to run the game using Proton 4.x or 6.x
Running the game out of the box seem to not register mouse clicks about 90% of the time. Using protontricks to enable virtual desktop seem to remedy this.
protontricks 558420 vd=2560x1440
protontricks 558420 vd=1920x1080
After this the game seem to register all mouse clicks perfectly.