40fps to save battery a bit altough the game is not that battery hungery.
When in a fight sequence in the game, putting the Deck in sleep-mode for a while will give a slight stutter in sound effects when continueing. Just save and reboot.
This game should be verified. It runs great 'out of the box.'
Runs good! Battery life is short on this game with the Deck. Supports 1280*800 out of the box. Some text is small but not too small.
Let the game set the Quality Preset. It will set it to Medium, which looks good. Battery life is poor on this game though. Runs great 90% at 60fps with a drop to 54fps on occasion.
Played onlyvia dock on TV with friends.
No tech issues whatsoever when playing with friends. Hook it up to a tv with a dock, connect 4 controllers and you will have a great time.
Might be that the game starts once with a pop up but I dont remember, it is too long ago. But it all that time, never experienced any trouble with this game.