Some cutscenes have desyncronized audio
The game works very well by default options. It launches in Low graphic settings on first start and run about 33-35 fps. Some options can be changed to medium or high (texture quality, ambient occlusion) combined with FSR mode and still gets 28-30 fps, so it is fully playable.
The default Proton version works like a charm.
This game works very well on Steam Deck with default launch settings (default proton). Gets around 36-40 stable fps with High graphics configuration. Minor fps drops on some cinematics (rarely). External controllers works with no problem.
Some quest´s text (too small)
Playable in Low-Mid graphic settings, gets about 22-28 FPS, lowering 3D Resolution to 80-90% gets 3-4 additional FPS
Towers of Aghasba (early access) is playable on Steam Deck with Mid-Low settings (without changing anything else), but can get some more FPS (around 3-4) if lower the 3D Resolution value to 80-90%. In some areas like near lakes or viewing far mountains, the FPS drops 5-6 less
Tested with GE proton version 9-16
-- Low settings: 22-27 FPS (3D res 80-90%: 25-31 FPS) -- Mid settings: 22-24 FPS (3D res 80-90%: 24-30 FPS) -- High settings: 15-17 FPS (3D res 80-90%: 19-22 FPS) -- Epic settings: 10-12 FPS (3D res 80-90%: 17-20 FPS) --