My biggest gripe with this game is that when playing with the steam deck, it only recognizes the inputs as a controller. As such, it completely ignores mouse inputs. I paired the right touchpad to mouse input and it unfortunately didn't work. Using the right touchpad as a joystick was... okay-ish.
This is the fault of the game I believe. Just a note for those who don't enjoy playing 3rd person games with both joysticks.
Works brilliantly out of the box. I personally couldn't appreciate the controller layout as much as the KBM controls, so I switched my controls to KBM and I'm thoroughly enjoying the game so. Cross platform saves work perfectly between my PC and Deck. Works at a solid 90 Hz with no stutters along with a solid battery life. Loving it!
Use Proton in compatibility mode, as natively (launching directly through Steam) locks the FPS at 30. Using Proton lets it run at 60 Hz.
Works perfectly out of the box, runs at 90 Hz too. You can even change the button layout ingame.
This should be a platinum graded game! Not sure what makes it gold.
Buuut, if you'd rather use the touchpads as mouse inputs (as I prefer using them over the right thumbstick), put the following code as a launch option (Properties>General>Scroll down to launch options) -
SteamDeck=0 %command%
Otherwise the game does not allow you to use KBM inputs.
PS. With this launch option enabled, there will be a small window which opens up to set the graphic settings, but that can easily be navigated by pressing the Steam button + right touch pad to go ingame.
So in the past, either a Steam Deck update or an update to the game did not allow you to play XPlane 12 through the game mode. But now with the latest update, it works again which is fantastic!