echo "%command%" | sed 's/ArmaReforger_BE.exe/ArmaReforgerSteam.exe/' | sh
Occasional crashes; not suprising as its very early access
Enabling Hardware Antialiasing caused consistent crashes
gamemoderun %command%
dotnet48 and d3dcompiler_47 are required to launch the game, otherwise it crashes after hitting play in the launcher
protontricks 1076160 -q dotnet48 d3dcompiler_47
Fonts look like garbage as most of the game's UI is using Microsoft's Segoe UI font which they refuse to let anyone redistribute
How about Segoe UI? I love it and would like to include that in my non-Windows app or game. Is it available from Monotype?
No, as Segoe UI is both our user interface and corporate branding font, it is not available for use outside of Microsoft products on non-Windows platforms.
This can be worked around by modifying the keys under [Software\\Wine\\Fonts\\Replacements]
in $STEAM_COMPAT_DATA_PATH/pfx/user.reg
from "times new roman" to a different font you have installed.
On the beta branch there are some graphical bugs, and the text in some popups and scenario briefings is missing
Stable is fine so far
Hotfix 5.3 has fixed the loading problems that had made the game essentially unplayable.
with gamescope buttons don't line up with the mouse cursor
Proton 7.0-6 is required to accept the TOS, and newer version and the game crashes, but Proton 7.0-6 is very stuttery once you actually get in game. Once you get control of your character, you can exit out and switch to Proton experimental without issue.
Uses far more system resources at ultra than on windows; cannot run it and a video without significant system lag