Sub 30 FPS on a mid/high-end prev gen gpu is intolerable. I have 140 FPS on windows with this config.
Fullscreen still shows the KDE Dashboard
The game runs at below 30 FPS. Nearly unplayable. Tried different tinker steps but no solution so far. Always have to compile shaders for 5 minutes before playing which sucks. No remedy so far.
I had huge issues in the beginning as I had problems starting up at all so I changed to experimental which made it much worse.
Changed the .exe file to not force controller button hints. echo '2C45C6: EB' | xxd -r - Cyberpunk2077.exe
DLSS and DLAA seem to produce artifacts most visible on concrete while walking by. When rescuing saul, the sandstorm keeps flickering like crazy.
The game forced controller hints (instead of keyboard hints). I had to edit the exe file.
I can save and load but I always get the warning that cloud doesnt work.
The game crashes every day at least once, mostly after hours of gameplay. No idea why and no pattern detectable for me.
I don't think it is a lot of fun watching the controller hints all the time while playing so for me the tinker was necessary. I loved the game on windows and I still love it on linux.
Factorio is not very demanding for the GPU so even using Nouveau drivers didn't hurt the performance. Works great.
Game launches in steam ("stop" button in steam) but never displays anything or starts reserving resources in task manager.
Tried all available fixes but the game wont display. Steam launches it successfully ("stop" button in steam) but I see no window. Tried extracting the main menu files, tried different startup flags, tried finding the .lua file but the whole directory (roaming/Jagged Alliance 3) is missing, veryfying game files, all to no avail.
So far the game is completely borked. From reports I see that updates had borked it a couple times so far but nothing as major as my problem. All other steam games work flawlessly, some with tinkering on my machine but this one is DOA.
I think the game now is in a playable state for me. someone else who has gone through the same will probably have fun with the game.
https://www.protondb.com/app/1084160#vf74V81EyK After an update the game now launches at all on my machine and I had to cut the menu files from the folder, launch, change reflections (to ultra in my case), quit, paste files back and start game. Works now. It froze once but not again ever since (couple hours).
The game does not run on nvidia hardware on linux oob. Some tinkering is still necessary. I dont understand why they dont just disable low and medium reflections.
Great game. Works great on linux on ultra settings if you have the proprietary nvidia driver. Nouveau sadly only ran at 7-10 FPS.
I did change my graphics driver from nouveau to prorietary. Otherwise the game ran at 7-10 fps.
Nvidia sucks.