Didn't Work. Follow Instructions for Open Source Alternative
Here's a better way to experience the game without having to mess with Proton at all.
- Right click 'Anchorhead' in the left pane.
- Manage > Browse local files
- resources > app > anchorhead > Anchorhead.gblorb
- Make note of the .gblorb's location or copy the file to a more convenient directory.
- Start your favorite .gblorb parser (I'm using Lectrote, found at https://github.com/erkyrath/lectrote/releases).
- Open the .gblorb file.
Enjoy! A bit of trouble, but if you prefer FOSS over proprietary but also happened to buy this game on Steam, this one's for you.
Native version had really distorted audio, but the Proton version worked fine out of the box. Version 6.3-7.
gamemoderun %command%
The cursor is tiny on High DPI screens. No option to use the hardware cursor as far as I can tell.
Kinda laggy, but I'm not sure if that's due to Proton or the game itself. It's laggy in compaarison to DF Classic.
No need to switch to Experimental, your default Proton selection should be fine as far as I can tell. No major differences in performance.
Works fine with ProtonGE, but multiplayer is totally borked. Single-player offers plenty of fun on its own though!
The audio died in one session, not sure how. Restarting the game fixed the issue.
The default of Steam Input enabled didn't work. I disabled Steam Input and my xbox controller was detected without issue.
Completely broken, thanks to Easy Anti-Cheat.
I use nvidia PRIME to offload rendering to a 1660 Ti. I can generally run high settings at somewhere like 50-60fps.
I had the same problem as others, the look axes are inverted. Attempting to force steam input in the game's controller settings just killed my controller input altogether.
Fullscreen only, but otherwise works fine out of the box. Don't Alt+Tab!
Windowed mode just doesn't work via the in-game menu. Alt+Tab is a death sentence for this poor old program. A workaround is to use Remote Play and hit Alt+Enter on your client system to window the streaming game. Not perfect, and it requires two computers, but that's the easiest way I've found.
I've read mentions of an unofficial patch (1.57), but I can't find it anywhere. The original forum where it was posted no longer seems to have the file. If a future contributor knows of a good link, please include the link in your review!
Runs fine out of the box, especially in singleplayer. Multiplayer can be temperamental, but is definitely playable.
The game froze on me once in multiplayer mode.
I notice more lag when I'm in multiplayer mode. Objects also tend to pop in and out of existence with greater frequency than in singleplayer mode. Nothing too gamebreaking, and it's to be expected for a game still in Early Access. Coffee Stain gives you PLENTY of warning that multiplayer has more bugs.
A lot of reports here have you adding -vulkan
to your launch options. You don't have to do that, as far as I can tell. Changing the graphics API is supported in the game options, and the default DX11 seems to work ok anyway.
6.3-7 crashed loading world, Proton-GE brought black terrain
Native and Proton versions work great, but go with Proton if you want to use mods.
It's hard to tell if slow-downs are because I'm running Linux or because I'm stupid enough to run Huge galaxies with 18 other AI civilizations. If I tone it down to more reasonable game parameters, the game runs at an acceptable pace. Your mileage may vary though, this is definitely a CPU-bound game.
And if you want to use mods (which are a ton of fun, btw), the Windows version through Proton is a must. Most mods aren't built with the Linux version in mind, and many don't load correctly without the Windows version.
Easy to install and ran just fine on Proton 6.3-7.
I can't tell if I'm just really bad at it, or my resolution is too high or what, but I only managed to draw one glyph successfully. YMMV