Installed Dotmod 0.4a-2 by manually copying the mod files in desktop mod, works great.
Changed made to the virtual menus to suit my preferences, be aware that if you're not a QWERTY user some bindings may have to be changed in order to work, but Robs Optimized is a great layout.
The game has a very steep learning curve, and you really have to work on the controls for a bit in order to make the game comfortable. I strongly recommend to learn how to play, and then customize the controls to suit your needs. Virtual menus are a must with this game, it helps to map a ton of menus and actions. With Steam Input, it's easy to make your own layout, and when everything is in order, the game is perfectly playable. Dotmod compatibility is perfect, but if you want to install any other mod, it's possible in desktop mod. Graphic settings : I turned off antialiasing and ambient occlusion. Beware, the game can be very CPU heavy in some situations, but overall performances are great on Deck.
Few FPS drops at high settings, but nearly perfect 60fps in medium. Overall the game works flawlessly out of the box.
Switched graphic settings to medium.
Overall hassle free experience on SteamOS, works great.
Turn off reflections, TDP limit 10w
Reflections are very GPU heavy in some rooms, framerate takes a hit (down to 40-50fps) the fan ramps up and battery life is rather poor. Turning reflections off solves everything, FPS are stable at 60, battery life jumps from 2-2h30 to 3h15-3h30 indicated. Volumetric effects are less heavy and play a great role in the game's atmosphere, so I kept this setting on, but I guess you can gain even more battery life from turning it off too.
That game would definitely benefit from a screen with better contrast ratio, the blacks are quite washed out. An OLED option would be great. Putting that aside, it's still a great experience on the Deck.
Works flawlessly out of the box.
Downclock GPU to 200mhz
The game doesn't like any limitation of TDP, framerate suffers greatly. But downclocking GPU doesn't affect the framerate. I assigned camera controls (up/down, turn) and the save menu to the back buttons, otherwise the default layout works great. All-in-all, works perfectly.