i have set audio to english, but there are some enemies which speak in russian. but i don't know if it happens only with proton or if it is problem in game itself
it used to work without any issue for very long time
in last 1-2 weeks game works only if i do logout and login before starting it. if i just wake computer from sleep or there was another game runnning before then it crashes with directx error when it should play first video. if i logout, log in and start the game then it works correctly
i have set audio to english, but there are some enemies which speak in russian. but i don't know if it happens only with proton or if it is problem in game itself
with nvidia driver 450 game worked only just after i logged in, otherwise it crashed during attempt to play video. after upgrade to nvidia driver 455 problem disappeared
game won't start with proton 4.x or newer but it works without any problem when i force proton 3.7
from past i know that graphically demanding missions may have problems
shift is used to run, ctrl-shift to slide but ctrl-shift is also set in my gnome to change keyboard language so gnome catches this combination and it doesn't work in game as it should