Played a session and exited Beat Saber to take a break. Unable to launch the game a second time unless a full system reboot is done. My guess is the game is not being released from memory when exiting even if process is ended.
Occasionally the directional arrow will artifact
Occasional screen tearing
Occasional frame rate drops or delayed menus
Same as the other reviewer, occasional microstuttering
Regular is unoptimized; VR is borked
The regular version is somewhat playable, but the VR version is basically unplayable after the menu because it drops to likely single digit frame rates before overwhelming the GPU and hanging the system.
Occasional screen tearing
Ran perfectly until after finishing the first agility challenge at the elevator shaft. After that it heavily artifacted to the point you can't even see enemies unless you use the outline upgrade.
There's a slight delay between when you click and when it registers as a click. Probably ~150-200ms delay, but that's enough to get you killed if you're trying to block something.
Some of the animal sounds are garbled compared to a Windows install
Smooth frame rate rendering, but gameplay is slower than it should be compared to a Windows install
The game sometimes does not register hits even if you're on target requiring a second punch.
In other games, the player is centered in the play space, however for this game the trainer is dead center, forcing the player to back up against the edge of the play space.
Valve Index Controllers have the sensors on the outer ring. The game maps the sensors as the front, so you have to wear the Knuckles like a pair of brass knuckles.
No save functionality built into the game
The pads will occasionally jitter or skip frames.
The game will sometimes render into the SteamVR loading environment rather than load in-game when failing a session and beginning again.
The developer has abandoned this game for several years already according to the forums.