Runs great
Not sure if the hint system in the game is just bad, or if there is a proton-specific issue but I ended up having to find a walkthrough because I didn't seem to get a useful hint for a particular puzzle.
Works on WineSteam
Borked on Proton, but runs perfectly when Steam is installed under wine and the game is launched from there. My guess is it's an issue with the Steam DRM.
Updated with EAC. No longer works.
The "Mid Season" update includes Easy Anti Cheat, which breaks compatibility with Proton. Game no longer launches.
The controller/keyboard bug persists.
So, I loaded into the game fine, but then wasn't able to interact with the menu or anything because the game thought I was using a controller and kept snapping my mouse back to the center of the screen making me unable to navigate the menu using either the mouse or keyboard. I didn't have any other controllers connected so started digging for a solution. Apparently the game saw my motherboard's onboard USB RGB Controller and assumed it was a game controller, I made a UDEV rule to disable that (since at this point there isn't any RGB software that can control it on linux yet) and then the game properly saw my mouse and keyboard as the only input and allowed me to navigate the menu and play the game.
Fell through the floor on two occasions. Haven't played the game on Windows so those bugs may exist there as well. Easy enough to recover though as once you quit and reload your game it seems to correct itself - even if there might be a small bit of progress lost.
Very choppy loading as individual rooms and items load in, but you can still view everything and read item descriptions.
Unsure how it runs on Windows, but it seemed very choppy and unoptimized.
Played on Valve index. This game was clearly not designed for the Index, and the Vive controller textures for button prompts was just applied to the Index Controller models in game which made them essentially useless.