The game tends to slow down in loading areas, which isn't a big deal.
It runs smoothly, absolutely amazing, but the artifacts are very annoying. I really hope tinkering with it will improve this at some point
Yellow dots or artifacts all over the screen after being able to use the character, sadly restart doesn't help

playable with current Proton experimental
It works just as i should!
weird reverb at beginning for few seconds during cutscene after game loads but soon disappears.
black flickering , all graphics there just flickers a little as you move or when cutscene plays. green artifacts at beginning in deadpool's apartment by watercool...only place i saw them.
Takes a lon time o launch, you honetly think it crashed.
Game doesn't launch, tried using different versions of Proton with no luck
Game dosn't start
Doesn't launch at all. Just instantly chrashes
Doesn't lunch
Doesn't launch

Doesn't run due to DRM not working properly.
Can be fixed by replacing original .exe file with one from cracked version of the game (a.k.a. DRM-free).

Works on WineSteam
Borked on Proton, but runs perfectly when Steam is installed under wine and the game is launched from there. My guess is it's an issue with the Steam DRM.
Starts without opening a window. The game keeps running in the background according to Steam but never actually does anything.
Seem to launch (and Steam show it as "running") but nothing appear.

Won't start

Tried searching for crash information in Steam logs. Using grep to search for the appID in ~/.steam/steam/logs reveals some instances of
[2018-08-30 17:21:56] [AppID 224060] CAPIJobRequestUserStats - no connection to Steam

The process just freezes without even drawing a window, need to kill it (happens on vanilla wine, too, although it seems to have worked some years ago according to AppDB)