Crashes often on start, videos sometimes without audio, 4k resolution not working, lighting and texture glitches, awful framerate.
Runs fine but there's something wrong with audio, music ok but no sound effects.
Works with PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 PROTON_NO_D3D11=1 %command% and installing d3dx9 with protontricks, but it seems to crash very easily.
Game start with wrong resolution and aspect ratio, menu and controller Xbox 360 working, starting a new game there's only a black screen with version info and no way to exit but a system reset.
It works perfectly. Just make sure to select Latin as spoken language to better appreciate the game :)
6.16-GE-1 GloriousEggroll
eval $( echo "%command%" | sed "s/2KLauncher/LauncherPatcher.exe'.*/Base/Binaries/Win64Steam/CivilizationVI.exe'/" )
The "eval" trick is needed for the initial 2K login, it seems the launcher is not able to open the web browser in background and then crashes.
Performance is surprisingly good, I have ~20 fps and unbearable stuttering with Aspyr port in the first benchmark, ~70 fps with proton...
I'd say it's ~15-20% less fps compared to windows (dx11@4k), I normally have ~25-30% penalty with proton in other games on my system.
"Native" version is completely broken (missing executables), with proton the game runs without audio. Doing "protontricks 1930 xact" fixed that.