Works great right after install on Steam Deck. Touch interface works great.
Multiplayer works great. Playing with no issues.
Works great on Steam Deck. Save games doesn't get put to the cloud so if you uninstall and reinstall the game, you will have to start over.
Save game was not saved to the cloud. After uninstall and reinstall, you have to start over.
It plays very well on the Steam Deck. One of my favorite dual stick shooters. I am not sure if the save game is not sent to the cloud because the game just does not support cloud saves or if it is Steam Deck related. Maybe it never supported that even on regular Steam on Windows.
Partially playable but the view you have is only 50% of the center of what you should be seeing. You can't see the menu or adjust settings
The sim installs fine. It is partially playable but the view you have is only 50% of what you should be seeing so you can't see the menu at the top or adjust lots of settings. It is basically broken but you can fly models in the sim to some extent. If you then click on 'select an aircraft' that is visible and then press the Steam Deck pause button on upper right corner of deck, it will show the model that was selected and allow you to play. You cannot get the mouse outside the view that you have though so you can't go outside the center 50% of the screen to change settings, etc.
You can mainly fix the view issue by changing 'WindowMode=INT:2' to 'WindowMode=INT:1' in the file '/home/deck/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/compatdata/748460/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/Documents/RealFlight\ 8/RealFlight.ini' (assuming you installed to built in SSD drive) to get the proper view. The 748460 might be different for your install... I am not sure if that is the same for the same game on different steam decks. You still can't see the main menu at the top though to change most of the settings. You can select an RC model to fly and fly it though.