Numerical values such as number of units or $ values appear as ##0. Making it borderline unplayable
Was only able to make it work with Nvidia-xrun, with default intel graphics it closed before launch
Had to install physx to open, game freezes after pressing "New Game"
I followed the instructions on this thread https://steamcommunity.com/app/11140/discussions/0/359543951698609548/ worked after much hasstle
To install the extra libraries (PhysX and DirectX), set the WINEPREFIX env to the game prefix "$HOME/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/11040/pfx" and run msiexec on the binary supplied with the game in "Support" folder, for PhysX, and run wine with the prefix in the DirectX binary. After installing those libraries, copy the PhysXLoader.dll present in "Program Files (x86)/NVIDIA Corporation/PhysX/Common/" to the game root, also had to make it executable. After all this work the game ran withou any trouble so far.