Proton Experimental
Set Video to 1280x720 and turned quality down to Medium
Minor graphical odities with facial colors, and water puddles during rain
DO NOT USE THE L1 trigger, it will freeze the game, and can not be used while palying
after following the advice of the other posters and create the shine_glowing.wmv the game worked fine, but several hours into the game there is a mission for a Witch that is required and at the end of that misison you fight a HUGE beatle. once you defeat the beatle the game freezes for a moment then the screen goes to a TV Like Braudcast warning screen then it jumps to 2 normal loading screens, and loads you into a new section of the game a couple hours ahead of where you actually were in the game, skipping some key parts of the game and now you are on a new island after the first island and talking with a known character with your new mission and objectives. the game seems to play fine after this but i am only an hour into this new section. I have tried multiple times to play the prior dungeon without this crash but it always does what i wrote above and plants you at the new beach.
I have tried both the default Proton as well as Proton GE 9-2
it did not matter which version of Proton i used these graphical issues were the same
when not in motion this game looks fine and as expected but when in moviment the texture layers keep re-apearing and disapearing and reaperaing, its quite distracting