gamemoderun mongohud %command%
I needed to change in steam settings -> controller -> desktop ocnfiguration
the profile to Gamepad. With that enabled it worked fine with PS5 Controller and PS4 Controller
I have noticed no slowdowns and could also switch the graphic settings from high to maximum without framedrops or stutters. It kept the fps on 60 cap. This wasn't possible on windows
- Uncap FPS in Steam Deck settings
- TDP set on and to 7 Watts
This game makes a lot of fun on Steam Deck and I constantly got around 140 FPS while playing even in Boss areas
Good and playable without any tinkering. It just works!
This game works out of the box without any adjustments. I am very happy to see, that it worked out of the box. Just installing it and starting. Nothing more needed.
With slightly low fps it is still playable.
I have noticed that I had only frames up to 30 FPS. I also played the game on Windows and didn't had that Problem with low fps.
I had no high issues with playing this game. I even played the game with a friend for a good amount of time. Everything ran flawlessly. I just noticed a small degree on lower FPS while playing on Linux than on Windows. Furthermore I noticed here and there a micro stutter if new content has to be loaded in but nothing game breaking or less of enjoyment.
Works ootb better than on windows for me
I am playing Starfield without any tinkering and it works ootb and even better than on windows. On Windows I somtimes got occasionally a crash due to amd graphics card driver timeout and lost some progress there because I didn't save like every ten minutes or so. On Linux I don't get any errors or crashes with ultra settings and FSR ingame turned off. Even the exit of the game is faster on Linux. All in all very good to play on Linux.
Everything worked out of the box no tinkering needed to be done. It's stable and compared to windows even snappier for me.
capped the framerate in the Steam Deck settings to 60 fps
Works out of the box with capped 60 fps. Despite the fact, that Steam list this game as unsupported, it works just like playing on regular PC.
Works fine without any tinkering
Nothing really to tinker or adjust. I just started the game and it works flawlessly. I also have to say I just played it around 7hrs on linux but so far anything was working just fine ot of the box.
Everything worked fine out of the box with the GE-Proton9-5 Version. Nothing needed to be changed
Could load into games without any issues. Everything worked fine. I would even think that the change of the Proton version is not needed but I didn't test it since I always use the GE Version of Proton.